Collaboration Agreement between the France Latin America Association - Bordeaux Gironde Committee (FAL 33) and the Matanzas Environmental Services Center

Collaboration Agreement between the France Latin America Association - Bordeaux Gironde Committee (FAL 33) and the Matanzas Environmental Services Center

Start date: 2019

The lines and interests of cooperation to develop:

    Train and educate residents and key actors in ecotourism; prepared to offer a quality service and in a sustainable way.
    Develop actions to improve water quality in the most affected populations; training in ecological sanitation and rational use of this resource.
    Carry out exchanges of practices and knowledge in community participation and local actions for the proper management of natural resources.

Actions done

    27 residents of the communities of Pálpite, Playa Larga, Soplillar, Los Hondones, La Ceiba, Bermejas participated in 2019 (Villagers trained in the transformations project; other key actors in the territory such as tourism, ECOTUR agency and guides of the Ciénaga de Zapata National Park ; with the French FAL foundation, in the areas of Agroecology, Permaculture, Ecotourism, good practices, etc., fostering the cultural exchange of knowledge and knowledge, to achieve a unique tourist product in the region for the most conservationist market sector.



Participation in the ecotourism course, CSAM Zapata, residents of La Ciénaga and FAL33) France.

Actions were developed in the residents who participated to improve the quality of water and its rational use; by training in ecological sanitation of gray water.
It allowed the communities to be included in the new proposals for a portfolio of tourism products, specialized in community tourism.





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