Community experiences are committed to the conservation of biodiversity in Protected Areas in the South of Cuba": II phase of Transformation for local development in small community groups in the Cienaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve

Title: "Community experiences are committed to the conservation of biodiversity in Protected Areas in the South of Cuba": II phase of Transformation for local development in small community groups in the Cienaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve ".

Responsible Institution: Matanzas Environmental Services Center belonging to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (Citma)

Start date: January 2015 End date: December 2018

Brief description of the project

The project will be carried out in communities of the Ciénaga de Zapata that have been participating in the first phase of the project

Community transformations and will be expanded to communities in the eastern region of Zapata (Cayo Ramona and La Ceiba), as they are the most affected by the floods from the subtropical storm Alberto in May 2018.

Its Mission: To support and promote strategies aimed at improving the quality of life in the population through the promotion of the local economy, better coverage and quality in the provision of basic services and the opening of new opportunities for local development in Ciénaga de Zapata.

Projected outputs:

-Trained and prepared residents and local communities:

    Design and management of participatory projects for the development of the community through the methodology of popular environmental training.
    Advice and preparation in the use of good practices, to mitigate the effects of Climate Change and guarantee sustainable use of natural resources.
    Socio-environmental management and regulation. conditions, legal regulations.

 -Promoted and expanded experiences of ecologically sustainable jobs that stimulate participation and integration among the inhabitants (fishing, crafts, agroecology, art, community tourism).

- Including the resulting initiatives in land use models, programs, strategies; in a way that guarantees their participation in the socioeconomic and sustainable development of their municipality.



Managing the management and use of invasive species in community tourism.


Developing planter biofilter practices.


Enhancing native plant nursery to use in local gardening.






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