Transformation for the local development of small community groups in the Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve

Title: “Transformation for the local development of small community groups in the Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve”

Responsible Institution: Organ of attention to the integral development of the Cienaga de Zapata belonging to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (Citma)

Start date: January 2015 End date: December 2018


10 spaces “patios and agro-ecological farms” were developed and strengthened. Promoting agroecological practices, ornamental and artisanal crops, through sustainable actions that contribute to local development with its corresponding benefits to the communities, including: elaboration and use of organic compost, development of

polyculture, treatment of pests and diseases of agricultural crops using biofertilizers, soil processing; use of cleaner technologies: windmills, drip irrigation systems, seed exchange and conservation between producers, rainwater collectors.

    Development of community nurseries with native forest stands for reforestation: Those responsible for farms and yards have been advised in the creation of forest nurseries, in the culmination of community integration workshops; actions committed as a final result of the project, an example is the patio de María, Los Hondones community, space created by strengthening the project for agroecological activities, forest nursery and infrastructure for the operation of exchange, receiving views, sharing with the community. Experiences in sustainable practices, with projections to be incorporated into the rural tourism modality in the new tourist products that are planned for the territory.

These practices and having encouraged the incorporation and integration of people in the participation, management and decision ofIts processes within the communities allowed to expand the capacity of sustainable local self-management within the Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve, thus contributing to territorial development and strengthening citizen awareness in the care and protection of natural resources and at the same time offering a better quality of life, incorporation of the most vulnerable groups in society in the social activities created, motivated other key actors in the development of the community, multiplier effect and new ecologically sustainable jobs; When the execution and preparation of the subjects began, we had more than 15 housewives, of the total of 68 participants, and at the end of it in that status we had a housewife, but linked in the actions that had been created.

Special interest was devoted to preparing means of communication that would guarantee the vision of natural strengths and in
correspondence with the territorial image in its best environmental ordering; for example, development of workshops on “Training in Planning, Design, Preparation and Assembly of Signs in Protected Areas”, resulting in the identification of each community project resulting from the transformations project and the preparation of its members in these practices; allowed to incorporate into this group the knowledge about the basic principles of Interpretation and its application in the design of signs, as well as the development of skills and abilities in the use of equipment and tools, the elaboration and assembly of these signs expanded to the forms non-state employment management.

The set of results achieved has left the stimulus and awareness so that these groups alone continue with their participation as well as the inclusion of 22 NEW JOBS.

    THREE intended for organic gardening.
    Ten for the development of agroecology through the CCS.
    Three destined to the development of artistic manifestations: labeling, art paintings, signage design, visual identification reproductions.
    Six in the development of sustainable community tourism.


Project group in closing workshop, presentations of their lessons learned. December 19, 2018, CITMA Ciénaga de Zapata classroom.

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