1. During the coordination meeting of the constituency, the fulfillment of the activities of the action plan that had been planned to be carried out during the previous month must be controlled and evaluated, this allows rectifying any difficulties in carrying it out or confirming that the route used is correct. In this way it is systematically diagnosed and incorporating the solution to new problems that may arise.
  2. The offices of the delegates with the population constitute another way of control and evaluation.
  3. The meetings of the mass organizations are part of the monitoring and evaluation. When applying the integrated community work, the Accountability Assembly gives a substantial change, since most of the Delegate's report is based on the analysis of what, according to the action plan, should be carried out in the constituency in the previous semester (another way of control and evaluation, this time by the entire population), which allows recognizing those who stood out at that time and at another time of the assembly, discussing the actions to be carried out in the next semester, which can contribute popular participation agreements.

1st ACTIVITY. Meeting with the factors of the district to explain the work.


Participatory workshops are held with the population by age groups. Make the selection of the participants taking into account their inclusive character looking for a wide representation by: skin color, cultural level, social conduct, sexual orientation, sex, level of alcoholic ingestion, occupation or profession or trade, believers of different manifestations, non-believers, etc.) The age groups can be: children, adolescents (Basic S.), young people (15 to 18 years old), young people (18 to 25 years old), adults and older adults.

Participants in these workshops must provide criteria on the positive aspects and problems existing in the district on housing, interpersonal relationships, education, health, recreation, discipline, legality, etc. During the realization of the same each person must develop their individual criteria on the topics discussed, then they will meet in teams and from there the team criteria will emerge; Subsequently, the criteria of the constituency will be released for further processing. During the workshops, neither the Delegate, nor any other person who is directing the workshop, should give an answer or solution to the proposals, the most he should do is stimulate the participants to discuss the issue and they reach a solution. or they realize they need more information to decide.

Once all the workshops are finished, the opinions are collected and grouped by subject: For example: all the approaches related to recreation, those that have to do with

the health of the population, with education, with commerce, etc.

Thematic work teams are formed, which will be made up of the people who contributed the most ideas during the workshops and may include any other resident person in the district who has not been able to attend the workshop and is considered to be able to make contributions. important.

The first task of these groups is to complete the diagnosis with the criteria of the representatives of the organisms, without "crushing" the criteria of the population. For example: the family doctor and nurse, the cultural promoter, the school director, the social worker, the head of the sector, leaders of existing work centers and services in the district (the winemaker, the communal services manager) , etc.)

With these elements and others that are necessary such as the health picture, disabled people, those disconnected from study and work, university graduates by specialties, art instructors, ex-inmates, etc. The participatory diagnosis is concluded based on the criteria of the population.


1-With all the opinions and elements offered by the diagnosis. People who work on each subject must seek solutions, (from within the constituency, first of all), for this they will exchange with school personnel, the family doctor, the cultural promoter, the social worker, the mass organizations , etc., but already at that time, not as part of the diagnosis, but to seek solutions and incorporate into the plan the tasks of the organizations they represent, such as blood donations, cytological testing, care for children with non-compliance in their schoolwork, participation in cultural activities, etc.

Delegates from the Municipal Assembly visit a Community to exchange with residents about community work

The people who make up these commissions must be empowered so that they can exchange with the municipal directorates and other organizations. With all these elements, they must develop a plan that integrates all the actions to improve the lives of residents in the district. During this stage, the delegate must dispatch with the commissions to control the work and offer guidance. It is normal that the commissions do not go at the same rate and even that it is necessary to replace someone responsible or member of them because it does not work.

2-When the commissions have completed their work (it must be done in the shortest possible time so as not to discourage the population) a meeting is held with the participation of all the members of those commissions, the leaders of the political and mass organizations and the representatives of the administrative directorates to present the action plan proposed by each commission. There all plans are discussed, criteria are given, modified if necessary and approved.

Once the action plan that integrates all the work of the district based on the criteria of the population has been approved, it becomes a project of self-transformation that the community has decided to carry out consciously, without responding to criteria or pressure external. The next step will be to make it known to the members of the community by holding meetings, using the CDR structure or if it coincides with the Delegate's accountability date, it can be done in said activity.

3-The implementation of the action plan is carried out through coordination meetings (which some call the factor meeting) that must be held monthly in each constituency. There they analyze the tasks planned to be carried out next month, who should be the participants and who is responsible. Those responsible for the activities should go to that meeting to present their criteria about the activity and what support they need. In the initial stage there will be a learning process, where the population must get used to deciding and seeking solutions to problems, both from within and in other instances.

Integrated Community Work

The Integrated Community Work (TCI) is part of the tools of the Popular Power in Cuba, at the same time that it constitutes a challenge for delegates, government officials and the assemblies, in its purpose of achieving superior results in the socioeconomic orders of our society.

This is not a new phenomenon, but it contains new dimensions, in accordance with the current needs of the country, underdeveloped and blocked by the United States, and with the objective of materializing a prosperous and sustainable socialism.

Specialists explain that not all action in a locality is Community Work, even when solving problems or needs of the population involves all or part of their neighbors in the execution of the task, neither because there are projects or financing, it is more than the intervention that involves solving a problem.

What, then, is Integrated Community Work?

Although the definitions do not say it all, at least they give us an idea of ​​what it is about. According to the Manual of Good Practices, "the TCI is a transformation process that implies human development, and that the community dreams, plans, executes and evaluates with full participation."

Reflecting on the subject, Cuban President Miguel Díaz Canel pointed out what should be a guide for the delegates: “the community is the main stage we have for work, which in the end arises from what is done in this and it is really where we can integrate all the motivations, all the aspirations, all the culture of the community's inhabitants with the plans of economic and social development, also associated with the plan of the economy, and of course, with the budgetary activity of each territory ... "

In our municipality, the Community Work has been planned and executed by the great part of the delegates obtaining positive results of impact on the population, micro-landfills have become organoponic, in parks, in connotation sites within the community, they have been created workshops for learning crafts, making dolls, reusing recyclable materials to make ornaments, among others, with the active participation of the population, since it is essential, since we must add tasks related to health, education , social assistance, and others that require everyone's attention.

Examples of positive events carried out in the communities are many; moreover, this Community Work process does not always take place with sufficient integrity to fully develop all the potential of the community, in which thousands of people remain: housewives, retirees, students, unemployed and self-employed, almost full-time , leaving reserves that need to be exploited.

Many citizens contribute their sweat for the many works that are being carried out, but there are still people in the neighborhoods who do not participate in any task, which represents a real challenge for the different factors of the community, which must not only work in the organizational and mobilizing aspect, but also to attract them and make them partners in the work that is carried out.

On integrated community work

The People's Power Bodies in Cuba make possible the participation of the entire population in government management. Law 91/2000 of the Popular Councils in its article 38, establishes that it must be considered as participation.

a) Systematically identify the problems and needs that affect the community and their possible solutions.
b) Organize and promote the collective effort of the residents to solve their own needs, improve coexistence and quality of life.
c) Decide the work strategy to develop, in a given period, the activities proposed.
d) Carry out the evaluation and control of the results of the actions carried out.

On many occasions, statements are heard that refer to the low motivation of the population to participate in solving problems, and in the best case scenario, we see Delegates wearing themselves out, almost alone, sometimes with “good results”,

but they become executors and not coordinators of the effort of the majority of the population.

The application of the Integrated Community Work method creates conditions for the population to offer opinions, criteria, ideas and “do things” for their well-being.

How to apply this method?

These ideas have arisen from the study of different materials and from the experience of their practical application in constituencies of this province.


The application of the Integrated Community Work method will require a great deal of work by the Delegates and the leaders of the mass organizations in the initial stage, but it turns dozens of people into activists and protagonists of government management in the constituency, which makes the work of the Delegate more efficient.

The application of this method allows Delegates not to be seen “alone in front of the world” or accompanied by factors alone, but rather to be the “coordinators of the world of people” who participate: propose, decide and carry out activities for the well-being collective; It also enables the majority of residents in the constituency, the organizations and entities located there to work in an integrated way to achieve common objectives.

"I want the first law of our Republic to be the cult of Cubans to the full dignity of man." Jose Marti

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