Address: Playa Larga, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Director: Orestes Acosta Iglesias

Telephone: 45987490


Public Health in Our Region

In our municipality, health constitutes one of the conquests of the Revolution that is defended in a sustained way, backed by more than 60 health specialists, among whom we can count on numbers that promise to continue gradually raising the quality of this branch. Approximately 70 white doctors, 77 nurses, 270 health technologists, 28 stomatologists, 4 psychologists and more than 120 workers, among others, are included in this army of white coats.

The Municipal Health Directorate directs, executes and controls the application of the State and Government policy regarding Public Health and the development of medical sciences in the territory. It complies with the indications issued by the Ministry of Public Health, the party and government leadership in the Municipality.

The Municipal Health Directorate of Ciénaga de Zapata has a health area in which different care and service units are located, they are:

    Polyclinics --- 1
    Grandfather's House --- 1
    Rehabilitation Rooms --- 2
    Family Medical Offices --- 12
    Red Cross Headquarters --- 1
    Municipal Health Directorate --- 1
    Pharmacies --- 8

Currently, the municipality has a Public Health system, which guarantees compliance with the principles established in the Constitution of the Republic; the state character, accessibility and gratuitousness, prophylactic orientation, the unity of science, teaching and medical practice, the integrity and planned development, the organized and active participation of the population in the tasks of health, internationalism and collaboration.
Services provided:
  • Electrocardiogram
  • X-rays
  • Clinical laboratory
  • Ultrasound
  • Endoscopy
  • Physiatry
  • Menstrual Regulation
  • Minor Surgery
  • Infertility Consultation
  • Medical emergency
  • SUM
  • Traumatology
  • Specialties of Community Projection, Stomatology, Population Care.