Eulogio Lobato González. Cenaguero patriarch, owner of the “San Lázaro” and “El Maíz” farms, made available to the Mambisa cause not only his assets, but his entire family - Ramón, Longino and Andrea - also formed ranks in the Liberation Army.

He was born on the “San Lázaro” farm -close to the current town of Buenaventura- in 1845, during his childhood he lived the misery prevailing in the fields of Cuba, which is why he vowed to fight until he saw the poor and vilified peasants free.
Patriotic activity
War of '68

In 1869 he joined the Mambí Army in the demarcation of Cienfuegos under the orders of Colonel Jesús del Sol. He was baptized by fire on March 9, 1869 in a meeting held against the Spanish Battalion "Naples". In November 1869 - in the context of the Little War - he joined the troops of Colonel Cecilio Gónzalez, keeping the troops of the metropolis in check in the Ciénaga de Zapata area. For his revolutionary activities, he was captured by the Spanish colonialists and deported to the Island of Ceuta (Morocco) where he was in prison from 1883 to 1891, the year he returned to the homeland.
War of '95
On July 1, 1895 he joined the "redemptive manigua" again and joined the "Gómez" Infantry Regiment, 4th Corps, 2nd Division, 2nd Brigade. He participated in thirty-three combative actions. He reached the rank of Commander of the Liberation Army.
Pseudo republic
The interference of the United States in the final stretch of the last Cuban independence contest (1895-1898) frustrated the ideals of the stout mambí, to whom the pseudo-republican government gave "crumbs" as a public official; He was appointed Coastal Inspector, a position in which his countryman, friend and captain of the Liberation Army Jesús Bonachea Moreira was placed as an assistant. Lobato, who like many mambises embraced liberal ideas, served as President of an Electoral College in the first political elections held in the Ciénaga de Zapata around 1920 in the historic town of Soplillar.
At 10:15 a.m. On July 2, 1931, on Cid Street # 124, in the city of Cienfuegos and at the age of 86, the brave Cenaguero warrior died.