Questions and answers about the election and functions of the Governor, Deputy Governor and Provincial Council.

Questions and answers about the election and functions of the Governor, Deputy Governor and Provincial Council. Clarify your doubts and learn more about this process, find out and ask your questions.
How are the Governor and Vice Governor chosen?

The Electoral Law establishes the procedures for the election of Governors and Deputy Governors, which is held every five years, the same day and time throughout the national territory, on the date determined by the Council of State, which in turn informs the National Electoral Council

ARTICLE 240. The delegates to the municipal assemblies of the People's Power meet in their own right constituted in electoral colleges on the date fixed, in the place agreed, to elect, by free, equal, direct and secret vote, the governor and to the provincial vice-governor.

ARTICLE 241. The validity of this act of election requires the presence of more than half of the delegates who make up each Municipal Assembly of People's Power; if this figure is not reached, the Municipal Electoral Council sets a new date within the following seven (7) days.

Who nominates the candidates for these positions?

Article 175 of the Constitution establishes: The governor is elected by the delegates of the corresponding municipal assemblies of the People's Power, at the proposal of the President of the Republic, for a period of five years and in accordance with the procedure established by law. .

For its part, the Electoral Law endorses:

ARTICLE 242.1. It corresponds to the President of the Republic to propose to the delegates to the municipal assemblies of the People's Power of each province, the candidates for the election of the provincial governor and vice-governor.

The proposal for each office is submitted by the President of the Republic, in advance of the date set for his election, to the President of the National Electoral Council, accompanied by the biographies and photos of the candidates.

ARTICLE 243. The National Electoral Council is in charge of reproducing and sending to each of the delegates the corresponding biographies and photos with no less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of the election, as well as guiding and organize the voting acts in each municipality and the calculation of the votes in each province, according to the procedure established in this law and report their results.

(For this occasion, CEN will deliver to each delegate the biographies of those proposed for governor and vice-governor in their province on January 15)


How are voting and vote counting carried out?

In this regard, the Electoral Law defines:


ARTICLE 244. The president of the corresponding Municipal Electoral Council and the deputy designated for this purpose by the Council of State preside over the voting acts, coordinate to guarantee the necessary preparations and fulfill the functions assigned to each one.

ARTICLE 245. The ballots are made uniformly and are issued with the stamp of the Municipal Electoral Council; the names and surnames of the candidates appear in this assigned to the positions to be chosen; To exercise the vote, the delegate marks an X (X) in the box that appears to the right of the candidate's name and surname.

ARTICLE 246. Assembled the delegates to the municipal assemblies of the Popular Power, the deputy designated by the Council of State reads the justification of each proposal sent by the President of the Republic.

ARTICLE 247. The president of the Municipal Electoral Council explains the way in which the voting is carried out, indicates to distribute the ballots to the delegates present and asks them to carry out the vote in the booths designated for this purpose, by means of free voting, equal, direct and secret.


ARTICLE 248.1. The count is carried out by the Municipal Electoral Council, which draws up and signs the corresponding act, specifying the total number of ballots in the ballot box, those declared valid, blank, voided and the number of votes obtained by each candidate.

The president of the Municipal Electoral Council reads the minutes before all the delegates, informs the Provincial Electoral Council of the results and delivers the ballots deposited in separate packages and duly labeled, as well as the original of the corresponding minutes.


ARTICLE 249.1. The provincial electoral councils are in charge of making the final computation of the vote of the delegates of each of their municipalities, of validating and declaring elected as governor and vice-provincial governors to those who reach more than half of the valid votes cast by the delegates to the municipal assemblies of the People's Power of the province in question.

They then report the results to the National Electoral Council and its municipal electoral councils, so that it is known to the delegates to the municipal assemblies of the People's Power, and file the documentation.

ARTICLE 250. The president of the National Electoral Council informs the president of the Republic and the president of the National Assembly of People's Power of the results of the election of the provincial governors and vice-governors, after which he informs the population of these results.

ARTICLE 251.1. If one or both candidates are not elected, the National Electoral Council informs the President of the Republic for the purposes of presenting another proposal.

In the new election, the same procedure is applied to that described in the preceding articles, which is carried out within ten (10) days following that in which the previous one was made.


What requirements must the candidate for governor meet?

Article 176 of the Constitution of the Republic states: To be Governor, you must be a Cuban citizen by birth and have no other citizenship, have reached the age of thirty, reside in the province and be in full enjoyment of civil and political rights. .

What functions does the governor have?

The Constitution of the Republic establishes the functions of the Governor:

ARTICLE 179. It corresponds to the Governor:

a) comply and enforce, as far as it is concerned, the Constitution and the laws;
b) call and preside over the meetings of the Provincial Council;
c) direct, coordinate and control the work of the organizational structures of the Provincial Administration and, within the framework of its competence, dictate normative provisions and adopt the corresponding decisions;
d) demand and control compliance with the economy plan and the execution of the province's budget, in accordance with the policy agreed by the competent national bodies;
e) demand and control compliance with development and territorial and urban planning plans;
f) appoint and replace the directors and officials of the Provincial Administration, and submit to the Council for ratification

Provincial those cases provided by law;

g) Present to the Council of Ministers, with the prior agreement of the Provincial Council, the policy proposals that contribute to the integral development of the province;
h) to inform the Council of Ministers, with the prior agreement of the Provincial Council, of those decisions of the organs of superior hierarchy that affect the interests of the community or consider the powers of the person who adopted them to be overreaching;
i) suspend the agreements and provisions of the councils of the Municipal Administration, which do not comply with the Constitution, the laws, decree-laws, presidential decrees, decrees and other provisions of the State organs, or when they affect the interests of others localities or the generals of the country, reporting to the respective Municipal Assembly of People's Power in the first session held after said suspension;
j) revoke or modify the provisions that are adopted by the provincial administrative authorities subordinate to it, that contravene the Constitution, the laws and other provisions in force, or that affect the interests of other communities or the generals of the country;
k) create temporary commissions or working groups;
l) order the publication of the Provincial Council agreements of general interest and control their execution; and
m) the other powers assigned by this Constitution or the laws.

What requirements must the candidate for lieutenant governor meet?

The Constitution states in its ARTICLE 180. The vice-governor is elected in the same way, for the same period, and the same requirements are demanded as for the governor.

Which functions has?

ARTICLE 181. The vice-governor fulfills the attributions delegated or assigned by the governor. Likewise, it substitutes the governor in case of absence, illness or death, according to the procedure provided by law.

How is the Provincial Government of People's Power exercised?

The Constitution of the Republic CHAPTER I PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF PEOPLE'S POWER states:

ARTICLE 170. In each province there is a Provincial Government of the People's Power that works in close connection with the people, made up of a governor and a Provincial Council.

ARTICLE 171. The Provincial Government of the People's Power represents the State and has as its fundamental mission the economic and social development of its territory, in accordance with the general objectives of the country, and acts as coordinator between the central structures of the State and the municipalities, for the which contributes to the harmonization of the interests of the province and its municipalities, and exercises the powers and functions recognized in the Constitution and laws.


ARTICLE 172. The Provincial Government of the People's Power contributes to the development of activities and the fulfillment of the plans of the entities established in its territory that are not subordinate to it, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws.

ARTICLE 173. The Provincial Government of the People's Power in the exercise of its functions and powers cannot assume or interfere in those that, by the Constitution and the laws, are conferred on the municipal bodies of the People's Power.

How is the Provincial Council made up and what are its functions?

ARTICLE 182. The Provincial Council is the collegiate and deliberative body that fulfills the functions set forth in this Constitution and the laws. Its decisions are adopted by the favorable vote of the simple majority of its members.

The Provincial Council is chaired by the Governor and is made up of the Lieutenant Governor, the presidents and vice presidents of the corresponding local assemblies of the People's Power and the municipal mayors.

ARTICLE 183. The Provincial Council holds its ordinary meetings with the frequency established by law, and extraordinary ones when called by the Governor or requested by more than half of its members.

ARTICLE 184. It corresponds to the Provincial Council:

a) comply with and enforce, as far as it is concerned, the Constitution, the laws and other general provisions, as well as their agreements;
b) approve and control, as appropriate, the plan of the economy and the budget of the province;
c) adopt agreements within the framework of the Constitution and laws;
d) guide and coordinate in the territory the political, economic, cultural, scientific, social, defense and internal order activities that are arranged by the State;
e) evaluate the results of the management of the municipal administrations and approve the actions to be carried out;
f) approve the policy proposals that contribute to the integral development of the province, before their presentation to the Council of Ministers;
g) pronounce, at the request of the governor, on those decisions of the competent bodies that affect the interests of the community or consider the authority of the person who adopted them to be overreaching;
h) Periodically analyze the attention given by the entities located in their territory to the proposals of the voters and the complaints and requests of the population;
i) make recommendations to the governor regarding his accountability report and other matters that he may consult;
j) propose to the Council of State the suspension of the agreements or provisions of the municipal assemblies of the People's Power of its demarcation, when they contravene the superior legal norms or affect the interests of the community;
k) propose to the National Assembly of People's Power the revocation or modification of the agreements or provisions of the municipal assemblies of People's Power of its demarcation, when they contravene the superior legal norms or affect the interests of the community;
l) create temporary commissions or working groups, and
m) the other attributions that the Constitution or the laws assign to it.


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