Transportation of Loads and Passengers by private carriers

Frequently asked questions and answers about the new legal regulations for the activity of transporting loads and passengers by private carriers in automotive means.

What is the Transportation Operation License?

The License is nominative and non-transferable, and it is granted at the express request of legal and natural persons, Cuban and foreigners residing or authorized to establish in the Republic of Cuba, owners, lessees or legal holders of means, facilities or transport establishments, that gather the requirements for obtaining it, in order to provide passenger transportation services, cargo and auxiliary services or related to them.

How long does the LOT process take?

The entity empowered to grant a License resolves the request within a period of up to thirty (30) business days after the date of its presentation, which can be extended up to another fifteen (15) business days, when the causes and conditions warrant clarification or verification. data and information with different organs or agencies of the Central State Administration.

How valid is the LOT?

One (1) year for those granted to natural persons, whose object of service is the transportation of loads or passengers; as well as for the service of leasing of means of automotive, maritime and rail transport that is counted from the date of its approval.

What are the new requirements that must be met to request or update LOT?

Have a fiscal bank account and a contract with FINCIMEX for the purchase of fuel through a magnetic card.

How is the suspension and cancellation of the LOT different?

Suspension is always at the request of the owner and for a specified time that cannot exceed 180 days and cancellation is a measure applied from an infringement or violation committed by the LOT owner or her contracted worker.

For how long can a LOT be canceled?

There are two types of cancellation: the temporary and the definitive, in the first it is for a period of up to two years and the final is its own classification, which is stable, forever.

What day does the new Regulation come into force?

The rules take effect on January 5/2020

Where is the LOT with national extension approved?

It is approved in the municipal multidisciplinary group.

Are there requirements to request a LOT with a national extension?

Yes, in the event that the vehicle was a van, truck or bus, it must meet the following requirements:

Have the emergency exit located at the rear of the vehicle, at the end of the space used for the passenger's stay, in the case of trucks and vans
Have windows or air conditioning system in the area that is used to accommodate passengers.
Have the passenger seats located in the same position as the driver's seat of the means of transport.
Have the seats fixed to the floor of the means of transport, correctly upholstered and with a distance between the seat backs, not less than 70 centimeters, measured in the vertical position.
Have sufficient lighting for the maneuvering of people in the passenger lounge, as well as a warning system that communicates the lounge with the driver's cabin.

Does a holder who is in the process of processing on January 5, apply the provisions of the new Regulation?

Natural persons who are in the process of proceeding at the time the new regulation comes into force, avail themselves of its provisions.

Why do we have to wait 60 calendar days for them to take effect?

The 60 days are to carry out the process of preparing the administrative structures, in charge of organizing and executing the process down to the municipality level, as well as training all the license holders. Review all the basic transportation services performed by private carriers and prices.

Can a natural person request a LOT without owning a means of transportation?

Yes, you can request a LOT, provided that a relative of up to the second degree of consanguinity and first of affinity authorizes you to use a means of transport owned by them to provide the service.

Can cancellations be claimed?

An appeal can be filed against the license cancellation measure before the hierarchical superior level of the one who adopted the measure, within a period of ten (10) business days following the date of the notification.

What are the reasons for requesting the suspension of the LOT?

The Suspension is requested for the repair of the environment or for Medical Certificates for incapacity to work, Military Mobilizations, to act as a Lego Judge or prenatal or postnatal Maternity Leave, always proving in these latter cases the documents issued by the empowered to it.

What is the service in the regular mode?

Passenger transport service that is carried out on any itinerary in the authorized territory to any destination, charges the services according to the prices approved by the Administration Councils. You can perform the service at the request of the user, who determines the route to be taken by the carrier (door to door). It cannot provide the high comfort or classic service.

Can a carrier of the regular modality provide service to tourism?

NO, the license to provide service to tourism is that of high comfort or classic, the license in the regular modality is to provide service to the population, that is why they acquire fuel at a different price.

Is a relative in the first or second degree of consanguinity or first degree of affinity obliged to lease their means of transport to another relative to obtain a LOT?

No, they only have to demonstrate the degree of familiarity and the authorization of the owner for its use.

How much can a LOT holder charge for the provision of her services?

In the provision of transportation services, the rate to be charged must be less than or equal to that approved by the Provincial Administration Councils.

Does the owner who has updated their LOT 5 months ago have to pay again for this new update?

No, all holders who have their LOT updated under resolution No. 174 of 2018, carry out the new update process at no cost, maintaining the expiration date, with the exception of those who are on the renewal date.

Can a LOT worker have more than one Self-Employed Worker License?

Yes, a natural person can carry out more than one activity on their own, provided they do not interfere in the provision of services.



What must a carrier do to purchase a fuel card?

You must contract the service with Fincimex, contacting its territorial offices located at:

MATANZAS: Esteban Causeway, corner. San Ambrosio, Pueblo Nuevo Matanzas

VARADERO: Calle 63 corner 2nd Avenue Varadero

What is the price of the fuel card?

The card, priced at 10.00 CUP, only accepts payment using bank cards as a means of payment.

At what time is the card issued?

After 3 business days after making the purchase request for the case of Havana, for the rest of the country, 15 days after it was issued.

How often can I deposit on the card?

It is the owner's own decision. Fincimex does not limit in this regard. Deposits are cumulative, the carrier being able to check the status of your account through balance inquiries.

After formalizing the payment in Fincimex can I go directly to consume? Does the card serve another purpose?

After the payment is formalized, you must load the amount on the card by going to the Cargo POS available in all the municipalities of the country. The cards are only accepted in the service center network.

Does the carrier necessarily have to go to the Fincimex offices to formalize the payment?

No. The carrier can use the payment method without acceptance, consisting of the possibility that Fincimex deducts a previously agreed amount from your bank account to be enabled for fuel consumption. The agreement must be included in the contract between both parties and would allow it not to have to periodically appear at the entity to formalize payments.

How can the card be used at the Servicentro?

Using the CONSUMPTION PIN granted by Fincimex.

What proof would you have of the consumption made?

The sales vouchers, the load vouchers and the account statements available at Fincimex or for consultation on the WEB page,

I am from Havana and I am a client of FINCIMEX, how should I proceed?

If you are already a client of FINCIMEX, you must re-contract the service, regardless of the type of modality, in the case of the free carrier you must acquire a new fuel card in CUP.


What must a carrier do to have a fiscal bank account?

Present yourself at the bank branch of your municipality of residence with the following documents:

Identification document.
Current Transport Operation License.
Registration in the taxpayer registry, which contains the tax identification number (NIT)

What do a person applying for a new license have to present to have a bank account?

Present at the bank branch of your municipality of residence with the following documents:

Identification document.
License application document issued by the municipal UET or by the Processing Department in the case of Havana.

What should a natural person do who wants to request a carrier LOT in the regular way?

Appear at the Processing Unit of the UET of the municipality of residence and if you are from Havana at the Processing Department of the General Directorate of Transportation of Havana to request the license.

Frequently asked questions and answers about the process of making changes and conversions to motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers.

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