

Why do I need it?

All work requires technical documentation (project) carried out by qualified personnel to obtain the desired results. This documentation is a reflection of your needs taken to execution plans by a professional, who also contributes his knowledge so that your project is unique and at the same time adequately integrates into the environment that surrounds it.

The project is essential to obtain the construction license, which in turn is necessary for the legalization of all new works or modifications to the properties.

Request for projects new works

Documents to present:
• Land ownership (Perpetual Right of Surface or Transfer of Roof as appropriate).
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.

Price list:

Low: 180.00

Average: 240.00

High: 300.00

Project request for expansion, remodeling, rehabilitation and reconstruction of homes

Documents to present:
• Ownership of the home (copy).
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.

Price list:

Low: 170.00

Average: 240.00

High: 315.00

Project request for expansion in second and third level

Documents to present:
• Ownership of the home (copy).
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.
• Structural Technical Opinion.

Price list:

Low: 170.00

Average: 240.00

High: 315.00

Project application for housing division and unification

Documents to present:
• Ownership of the home. (copy)
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.
• Structural Technical Opinion.

Price list:

Low: 170.00

Average: 240.00

High: 315.00

Note: in both cases the Structural Opinion to be presented will be requested from the Community Architect in advance of the project request as the feasibility of the project depends on it.
This opinion is an independent service that has a value of $ 110.00

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