The shield

Designed by LIC. Julio Antonio Amorín Ponce (Historian of the Ciénaga de Zapata), was approved by the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in ordinary session, on December 27, 1997.

It has an ogival shape. As a whole it symbolizes our great ecosystem, where Nature - Man and History are intertwined:

    Star: it is located at the top, representing the Republic of

 Cuba, a free and sovereign country.

    Haz de Leña: represents the Los Cenagueros unit, as an inseparable part of the Cuban nation.
    Rising Sun: represents the new life for the Cienaga de Zapata from 1959, with the socio-economic transformations developed by the Revolution, which were preserved in 1961 with the Victory of Girón, the most momentous event in our history, giving us universal stature and Thus materializing the ideals of the revolutionaries who preceded us.
    LA VICTORIA tank: symbol of a great victory, achieved by a people united with their Commander-in-Chief, immortalizing their history and the fallen.
    Green Color: predominant in our environment, it represents one of the most important and essential natural resources of the territory: flora.
    CUBAN CROCODILE: represents fauna, pre-Hispanic times and our soil.
    Blue Color: represents the sky and waters, the Caribbean sea that bathes our coast, enabling the development of two of the main economic branches: tourism and fishing.
    El Manglar: constitutes a natural shield against soil erosion and principles, silent witness of the walk and sweat of our ancestors.
    Zunzuncito: represents the birdlife; the aborigines called it Guaní, despite its size it is a brave bird, capable of intimidating major adversaries. It symbolizes the rangers, border guards and MININT, always vigilant, to preserve the town's conquests and the dawn of 1959.

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