The flag

Designed by the LIC. Julio Antonio Amorín Ponce (Historian of the Ciénaga de Zapata), was approved by the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in ordinary session, on December 27, 1997.

It is divided into two parts and its length must always be twice the width:

     The upper one, in red: representing the blood spilled by martyrs and heroes, in the different historical periods and the cause that we defend.
     The lower one, green in color: represents our forests and surroundings, where the historical evolution of this town developed.
     Cuban Crocodile: it symbolizes the fauna, prehispanity and the territory of the province of Ciudad Real.
     Laurel branches: synonymous with victories.
     Blue border: Symbolizes the natural element that identifies the great wetland (water).

Observed and analyzed as a whole, it shows that the Ciénaga de Zapata is the land of VICTORIAS.

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