Memorial Library "50th Anniversary of the Carbonera Dinner with Fidel"

Memorial Library "50th Anniversary of the Carbonera Dinner with Fidel"


This site, located near Soplillar,

It is located in the town of Soplillar, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas, this town 3 km from the east coast of the Bay of Pigs, on the road from Playa Larga to Playa Girón.


Fidel went to said town to share the dinner of December 24, 1959, together with several families of Cenagueros, among them that of Rogelio García and his wife Pilar Montano, and that of Carlos Méndez and his wife Francisca Almaguer.

It recalls the historical date on which Fidel decided to share the dinner of December 24, 1959 with several families of Cenagueros, including that of Rogelio García and his wife Pilar Montano, and that of Carlos Méndez and his wife Francisca Almaguer.

The initiative was promoted by the plastic artist Alexis Leyva Machado «Kcho», who directed the entire project, which includes the replica of the two huts of the host families of the historic dinner and the outdoor areas, as they were back then .


Inside these rustic and typical dirt floor huts, it was possible to reproduce the rough and very poor conditions in which the swamps lived before 1959, without electricity, without any electrical household equipment, cooking with coal, and crowded at bedtime all in the same room.

Now the interior of the huts is set with photos of Fidel with children and residents of La Ciénaga, when he shared with family that evening in such an intricate place in Cuban geography.

A library, with more than a thousand titles, related to the History of Cuba and universal, and literature is also distinguished, in addition to having a computer that provides community services in the case of digital text queries.

Its functions of rescue, hoarding, temporary exposure and dissemination are also destined for the history of the town. Among the most important activities that are carried out are: the sample of the month, talks, conversations, conferences, meetings with history, treatment of the most important ephemeris of each month.

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