The Ciénaga de Zapata constitutes, due to the species of flora and fauna that it houses, an ideal location for the practice of ecotourism and adventures by wildlife lovers
The most important wetland in Cuba, the Ciénaga de Zapata, in Matanzas, will host the VII international competition Photo on the fly, convened by the Cuban tourism agency Ecotur, which will take place from November 15 to 20 of this year.

The photographic contest together with Turnat (Nature Tourism), a forum on leisure activities in the environment, are two very important events for said tourist agency, Luis Rodríguez, director of the Varadero branch of Ecotur, explained to Prensa Latina.

The cenaguera region holds the categories of Biosphere Reserve and Ramsar Site, and is considered the most important and best conserved wetland in the insular Caribbean. In addition, it has the greatest diversity of birds in the Cuban archipelago, he added.
Stimulating sustainable tourism and promoting the natural attractions of the Greater Antilles is one of the main objectives that Ecotur proposes to achieve with this contest, together with the Cubanacán group and TropikVedeta Viajes.

The main objective of Photo on Flight 2021 is to obtain photographic captures of endemic or migratory birds, in their habitat.