Tarjas and Monuments:

In our municipality we treasure 40 Tarjas and monuments and are located from: Toll - mouth –Pálpite, Playa Larga (Junction-Buenaventura) La Maquina, Caleta Rosario, Punta Perdiz, Playa Girón, Bermejas, San Blas, Canal del Chucho, Jocuma, CAI Covadonga and Babiney.

7 collective boards:

    Long Beach Junction: (With the ratio of 27 martyrs)
    Junction Playa Larga: (Civilian victims 4)
    Punta Perdiz: (10 martyrs fallen within that range)
    Playa Girón entrance: (with the ratio of 63 martyrs)
    Museum entrance: (With the list of the 156 martyrs fallen in the Battle of Playa Girón).
    San Blas: (with the ratio of 13 martyrs)
    Chucho Canal: (San Blas-Covadonga embankment 6 martyrs)

Sculptural sets:

    Girón Museum: With the following meaning: The three columns represented the three days (of combat from greatest to least) the broad column that then contained it, represents the organization and firmness of the people around Fidel. The truncated pyramids, the disorganized landing of the mercenary brigade of "2506".

    Blowing (memorial library) in commemoration of Fidel's good night dinner on December 24, 1959, shared with charcoal burners and other leaders of the Revolution.

    La Maquina Beach: Homage to the Forest Worker.

    Guamá Tourist Complex: 24 sculptures, in the Taína village, where our aborigines were settled.

    38 Archaeological sites: in places: Soplillar, Punta Perdiz, Caleta Buena, Crocodile.

Declared Historic Sites:

    Playa Girón (Ébano Real) Where Antonio Pereira Costa, a Spanish fighter for the rights of the locals, was assassinated.
    Punta Perdiz: Where the flag of the M-26 de Julio was raised for the first time in the Cienaga de Zapata in 1957.
    Punta Palizada: (3 Kms from Buenaventura by the coast) Where our commander in chief occupied a position to carry out the firing of the revolutionary reaffirmation with the sinking of the ship Houston Mercenario; from the T-34 tank in La Batalla de Playa Girón.

Also part of the Heritage that we treasure:

2 Busts:

    Long Beach: ECOCIENZAP, in honor of the commander and combatant of Playa Girón, Faustino Pérez.
    1 Hunest Thaetman Cay: German who visited the site with Raúl Castro Ruz.