As in all stages of the Cuban Revolution, which began on October 10, 1868, triumphing on January 1, 1959, and which we continue to forge today, the Zapata Swamp made and makes its contribution.

To date, Mambises Cenagueros are considered to be:

Eulogio Lobato González .......................................... Commander of the Liberation Army.

Jesús Bonachea Moreira ........................................... Captain "" "

José Pérez Leiva ……………………………………… .. Cabo ““ “

Longino Lobato Bonachea ……………………………. ..Soldier ““ “

Ramón Lobato Bonachea …………………………… ... Soldier ““ “

Martín Castillo Sierra ............................................... ..Soldier ““ “

Braulio Morejón Lobato .............................................. Soldier ""

Isaac Morejón Lobato ............................................... ... Soldier of the Liberation Army.

Coleto Castro Sierra ............................................... .... Soldier ““ “

José de Armas ………………………………………… ... .. Soldier ““ “

Miguel Bonachea Moreira ……………………………… ... Soldier ““ “

The Mambisa hosts that made the most frequent foray into the territory were:

Wetland personalities

Before relating the names of these people, a definition of terms is necessary. Who do we call personality?

We define as Personalities: those who, being alive or not, had or possess a set of human values that differentiate them from other people; to those who have dedicated a good part of their lives to the development of the society of Cenaguer or to a specific sector of it; and that they maintained or maintain a revolutionary attitude.

So, on your side a personality can walk, bike or drive, and he may even talk to you, however, since you do not know him, you miss the opportunity to thank him, ask him something, or even photograph with him for it it is important to know them!

So that you can better identify them, we will relate them chronologically and by sectors or spheres of social life: