As in all stages of the Cuban Revolution, which began on October 10, 1868, triumphing on January 1, 1959, and which we continue to forge today, the Zapata Swamp made and makes its contribution.

To date, Mambises Cenagueros are considered to be:

Eulogio Lobato González .......................................... Commander of the Liberation Army.

Jesús Bonachea Moreira ........................................... Captain "" "

José Pérez Leiva ……………………………………… .. Cabo ““ “

Longino Lobato Bonachea ……………………………. ..Soldier ““ “

Ramón Lobato Bonachea …………………………… ... Soldier ““ “

Martín Castillo Sierra ............................................... ..Soldier ““ “

Braulio Morejón Lobato .............................................. Soldier ""

Isaac Morejón Lobato ............................................... ... Soldier of the Liberation Army.

Coleto Castro Sierra ............................................... .... Soldier ““ “

José de Armas ………………………………………… ... .. Soldier ““ “

Miguel Bonachea Moreira ……………………………… ... Soldier ““ “

The Mambisa hosts that made the most frequent foray into the territory were: