
Wetland personalities

Before relating the names of these people, a definition of terms is necessary. Who do we call personality?

We define as Personalities: those who, being alive or not, had or possess a set of human values that differentiate them from other people; to those who have dedicated a good part of their lives to the development of the society of Cenaguer or to a specific sector of it; and that they maintained or maintain a revolutionary attitude.

So, on your side a personality can walk, bike or drive, and he may even talk to you, however, since you do not know him, you miss the opportunity to thank him, ask him something, or even photograph with him for it it is important to know them!

So that you can better identify them, we will relate them chronologically and by sectors or spheres of social life:




Sphere or sector


Pedro Piñán de Villegas


Military -


Lieutenant Colonel of the Liberation Army. Wetland First Master.


Manuel Fanego Pernas.


Politics - economy

I re-establish the Forest Workers Union in 1939.


Nicéfaro Acosta Camejo


Founder of the Cells of the Popular Socialist Party in the Cienaga de Zapata. 1944.


Dr. José Álvarez Conde


Culture - Sciences

He contributed varied knowledge about the history and nature of Cienaguera. 1945.


Violeta Naranjo




Cayoramonense. It stands out in the Plastic Arts. He lives in the city of Matanzas.




Sphere or sector


Manuel Blanco Tabares


Rebel Army fighter. Live in Playa Larga.


Tomás Medina Cordero


Rebel Army fighter. Live in Pálpite.


José Torres Suárez



Rebel Army fighter. He lives in Playa Girón.


Roberto Espek Silegas



Rebel Army fighter. He lives in Playa Girón.



Juan Osorio Díaz




Rebel Army fighter. He lives in Playa Girón.


Roberto Deseada Pérez




Clandestine and Rebel Army fighter. He lives in El Helechal.




Sphere or sector


Alberto Acosta Pisch


Bog. Combatant of the Rebel Army and Girón. Live in Cienfuegos.


José M. Menéndez Marín



With blind ancestry. M-26-7 fighter. Head of a Command in the Zapata Swamp. He lives in Jagüey Grande.


Amado Curbelo Leiva



M-26-7 fighter. He lives in El Entronque de Playa Larga.


Sergio Talgarona Bernal



M-26-7 fighter. He lives in Playa Girón.


Lucio Caín Valdés



M-26-7 fighter. He lives in Playa Girón.


Alejo Álvarez López


Military - Politics

M - 26–7 fighter. He raised the Flag of Movement in Punta Perdiz; in addition to performing other functions after the Triumph.




Sphere or sector


Narciso Rosado Rosado




M-26-7 fighter. He lives in Cayo Ramona.


Justo R. Alfonso García



Girón fighter. Live in Jovellanos.


Argelio Laffita Puentes




Girón fighter. He lives in Mario López.


Efraín Otaño Fernández



Girón fighter. Live in Pálpite.


Rafael Olivera Castillo



Military - Politics

Fighter against Bandits. First Deputy to the National Assembly in the history of the Cienaga de Zapata. Political leader. Live in the city of Havana.





Sphere or sector


Bernardino Alonso Comeine



Girón fighter. Live in Pálpite.


Cira María García Ruiz



Girón fighter. Live in Pálpite.


Nemesia Rodríguez Montano



Emblematic figure, related to the Gesta de Girón. He lives in El Soplillar.


Digna Sire



Outstanding leader of the Regional FMC; who had a lot to do with the emergence of that women's organization in the territory.



Arminda Cano



Outstanding leader of the Regional FMC; who organized the FMC cienaguera.

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