The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba defines in its

ARTICLE 201. The Municipal Administration has the essential objective of satisfying, among others, the needs of the economy, health, healthcare, education, culture, sports and recreation of the community of the territory to which its jurisdiction extends, as well as executing the tasks relating to prevention and social care. The law determines the organization, structure and operation of the Municipal Administration.

ARTICLE 202. The Administration Council is appointed by the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, to which it is subordinated and accountable. Its composition, integration and functions are established in the law.

ARTICLE 203. The Municipal Administration Council is chaired by the Mayor, it has a collegiate nature, performs

Strictly observe the Constitution of the Republic, the laws, the decree-laws, the decrees, the agreements of the National Assembly of People's Power, the Council of State, the Council of Ministers and its Executive Committee, the provisions issued by the chiefs of the Central State Administration Bodies in matters within their competence that need to be regulated, and the agreements of the Assemblies of People's Power to which they are subordinate, form part of the competence and obligation of the Administration Councils, and the entities that organize to satisfy local needs.

Who is on the Board of Directors?

The Administration Council is made up of the Municipal Mayor, the Secretary, the coordinators of programs and objectives, as well as other members. The members of the Administration Council are appointed at the proposal of the President of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power by the respective Municipal Assembly of People's Power. The members of that body do not necessarily have to be delegates of the People's Power.

Attention to Approaches

In the Ciénaga de Zapata municipality, the approaches are addressed as established in the agreement of the Council of State and Council of Ministers (CECM) 6560. Of the previous process of a total of 230 approaches, 194 were solved, for 84.3% of the solution, 10 are pending. explained the causes of the immediate non-solution and 26 pending solution.

In the II process of a total of 283 approaches, 167 have been solved to date for a 59% solution with 13 explained the causes of the immediate non-solution and 103 pending solution.

Through the Office in the XVII mandate, 1082 proposals have been received, 841 of which have been solved, for a 77.7% solution, with 13 explained the causes of the immediate non-solution and 228 pending solution.

By 2020, they promised to solve 34 of their proposals with the plan for the economy in the territory. The first quarter was 100% fulfilled. Of the 8 planned for the second quarter, 4 have already been fulfilled, which means that of the 34 approaches committed for the year, 12 have been solved for a 35.2% solution to date.

What are the powers of the Municipal Administration Council (MAC)?

  • Comply with and enforce current legislation and the agreements adopted by the respective Assembly of People's Power.
  • Coordinate, control and supervise in its demarcation the execution of the policies, programs and plans approved by the superior organs of the Party, State and Government for the territory, within the frameworks established by law.
  • Propose to the Ministry of Economy and Planning the creation, merger and extinction of administrative, economic, production and local subordination services that it directs and controls.
  • Prepare and propose to the respective Assembly of People's Power the projects of the Budget Economic Plan of the activities that they direct, within the frameworks established by the Council of Ministers and once approved, control their compliance, without prejudice to the work of the corresponding Assembly .
  • To participate, as far as it is concerned, in the elaboration of the draft Economic Plan and Budget that correspond to the entities subordinate to other instances, located in the territory.
  • Control the templates of administrative positions of subordinate entities, in accordance with the policy established by the Council of Ministers, adjusting to the budget approved by the corresponding Assembly of People's Power.
  • Propose the nomenclature and the strategy of preparation and improvement of the cadres of his subordination to the respective Assemblies of the People's Power, as well as to know the information that the President provides him about the policy of cadres and other workers.
  • Know, evaluate and decide on the reports submitted by the administrative and economic entities that are subordinate to it, as well as, within the framework of its competence, what interests entities of other subordination, on activities and issues that affect economic development. - social of the territory.
  • Know, evaluate and propose decisions, according to the established procedure, on the reports submitted by non-subordinate entities, located in the territory.
  • To render an account, at least one (1) time a year, through the Vice President for the Administration Body, to the respective Assembly of People's Power on the issues that it decides and to the Provincial Administration Council, in the case of the municipal councils.
  • Adopt decisions on measures for the better development of prevention and social care work in the territory, in accordance with the policy outlined in this regard.
  • Prevent and face indisciplines, illegalities and manifestations of corruption.
  • Adopt decisions that contribute in a prioritized way to the best attention to the approaches, complaints and requests made by the voters to their delegates, as well as any other, regardless of their origin, and work on the identification and eradication of their causes, using the corresponding routes.
  • Require the administrative directorates, business organizations and budgeted units located in the territory to provide adequate solutions to the problems posed by the population, or convincing explanations on cases that do not have an immediate or short-term solution.
  • Require the administrative directorates, business organizations, and budgeted units located in the territory, to provide quality information to the delegates of the Assemblies of People's Power when requested.
  • Propose to the respective Assembly of People's Power, through its President, draft standards that regulate citizens' behavior with effect on the administrative activity of the territory.
  • Summon the leaders of the entities, business organizations, budgeted units and establishments of any subordination, except in the cases provided by law, provided they are based in their demarcation, to offer the relevant reports or receive information of interest to the territory .
  • Guide and control the work of the administrative directorates, business organizations and budgeted units of their subordination, aimed at improving and improving the functions, correcting deficiencies and eliminating defects and non-compliances that are detected in tax verifications, audits, inspections and controls, as well as rectify errors resulting from violations of the rules, regulations and other provisions issued by said entity within its powers, adopting the corresponding disciplinary measures.
  • Interest, through the established channels, before the respective Assembly of People's Power or before the corresponding Central State Administration Body, as the case may be, the revision of norms that it has dictated that do not conform to current legal provisions or harm the interests of the territory. However, the provisions will be complied with, unless irreparable damage is caused, which will be made known by the quickest way, so that the rule in question is rectified.
  • To adopt the decisions that contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks related to the preparation for the defense, as well as to assist the President in his capacity as Vice President of the Defense Council and Chief of the Civil Defense of the territory.
  • Apply and generalize the contributions of the results of scientific research and technological innovation in the sustainable development of the territory.
  • Any others attributed by law.
Composition of the Municipal Administration Council (CAM).
The Ciénaga de Zapata Municipal Administration Council, according to the agreement of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers 6560, is made up of 21 members. There are currently 4 vacancies (Directors of Economy and Planning, Culture, Physical Planning and Transportation) All these movements are in process.

Of the active (17) 47.5% are women, blacks and mestizos 41.2% and 94.1% graduates of higher level. All the members hold the Party's militancy and 56% have completed Diplomas in Public Administration.

Directorate of the Municipal Administration Council



Name Efraín Otaño Gerardo


MAC Secretary

Name Yudith Falcón Pedroso



Name Yaismel Morales Gutiérrez




Name Alcides Alarcón Rivero



















Composition of the Municipal Administration Council (MAC) Ciénaga de Zapata

Member of the MAC

Director of Education
Name Cristina Murga Mesa
Telephone 45-987292
Mobile (+53) 52698443

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Finance and Prices
Name Carmen Ávila Borrego
Telephone 45-987199
Mobile (+53) 52096045

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Housing
Name Yilian Merladet Peña
Telephone 45-987273
Movile (+53) 52146369


Member of the MAC

Position Director of Justice
Name Nurian Bárbara Suárez Polledo
Telephone 45-987288
Mobile (+53) 52803529

Member of the MAC

Position Director of the NOTA
Name Rebeca Hernández García
Telephone 45-987213
Mobile (+53) 52871350

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Labor and Social Security
Name Teresa Fernández Vega
Telephone 45-987332
Mobile (+53) 52862059


Member of the MAC

Position Director of Community Services
Name Mirta Fernández López
Telephone 45-915504
Mobile (+53) 52803370

Member of the MAC

Position Delegate of Agriculture
Name Antonio Manzano Puerto
Telephone 45-987694
Mobile (+53) 52097134

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Aqueduct and Sewerage
Name Damián Ibáñez Fernández
Telephone 45-987548
Mobile (+53) 52098768


Member of the MAC

Position CITMA Director
Name Jorge Luis Jiménez Hernández
Telephone 45-917538
Mobile (+53) 52806154

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Cubanacán
Name Jorge Sagarra Almenteros
Telephone 45-987114
Mobile (+53) 52630709

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Public Health
Name Orestes Acosta Iglesias
Telephone 45-987490
Mobile (+53) 52854324


Member of the MAC

Position Director of Transportation
Name Orlando Rodríguez Molina
Telephone 45-984214
Mobile (+53) 52867188

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Commerce and Gastronomy
Name Vacante
Telephone No Disponible

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Physical Planning
Name Vacante
Telephone No Disponible





Member of the MAC

Position Director of Economy and Planning
Name Vacante
Telephone No Disponible

Member of the MAC

Position Director of Culture
Name Vacante
Telephone No Disponible




Address: Playa Larga, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas

Hours of attention to the population:

Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The Population Attention System is made up of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, the Administration Council and 17 administrative entities: Food, Aqueduct and Sewerage, Combatants, Community, Commerce and Gastronomy, Services, Education, Sport, Housing, Planning Physics, Electric Company, Public Health, Work, Delegation of Agriculture, Transport, Integral Supervision and Justice

The Department of Attention to the Population works with the objective of attending to each request, problem, complaint, suggestion, comment of the population and processing it through the corresponding channels in order to give an effective response to our citizens.

Population care officer:



Rosa Amelia Gómez Niebla






















Days of attention to the population by the cadres:

  • Yuriet Estevez Gutierrez President of the AMPP→ Friday from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Telephone: 45987335
  • Alain Sobrino Navarro Vice president of the AMPP→ Monday from 8:00am to 10:00pm. Telephone: 45987203
  • Leticia Esquivel Aranguren Secretary of the AMPP→ Monday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Telephone: 45987136
  • Efraín Otaño Gerardo Intendente→ Thursday from 8:00am to 10:00am. Telephone: 45987202
  • Yudith Falcón Pedroso CAM Secretary→ Thursday from 9:00am to 12:00m. Telephone: 45987121
  • Yaismel Morales Gutiérrez Program and Objectives Coordinator→ Tuesday from 8:00am to 10:00am. Telephone: 45987410
  • Alcides Alarcón Rivero Program and Objectives Coordinator → Every day from 8:00am to 9:00am. Telephone: 45987566

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1-Improving the work of the Assembly's permanent working committees.

2-Strengthen the quality of the agreements adopted in the Assembly sessions.

3-Increase the effectiveness of controls and audits in the Popular Councils.

4-Promote the work related to the selection and preparation of the reserve of pictures.

5-Achieve greater effectiveness in the policy of cadres for elective and designated positions.

6-Strengthen the mechanisms of attention to the approaches emanating from the offices of the voters with the delegates and processes of accountability.

7-Systematize control actions to comply with measures related to confronting crime, social indiscipline and illegalities.

8-Achieve greater effectiveness in the treatment of complaints and requests from the population, with emphasis on the agility required to offer the answers.

10-Develop the Improvement of Popular Power program, achieving its comprehensiveness and progress.

11-Require the fulfillment of the production plans that guarantee to satisfy the consumption of food products of the population in dependence on the pounds per capita to deliver of food, vegetables and grains. 12- Monitor the improvement of public services and quality of life.

13-To inspect the fulfillment of the Economy Plan and the execution of the State Budget

14-Require the presentation of Projects of Municipal Initiatives of Local Development, contributing to the substitution of imports.

15-Require the use of energy carriers, energy efficiency in carriers of electrical energy and fuel and incorporating renewable energy sources.

16-Ensure the necessary number of workers with proven suitability according to the requirements of each job.

17-Achieve superior results in the application of the System of Work with the Tables and their Reserve.

18-Require compliance with defense preparation tasks taking into account the prospects for economic and social development.



Food safety.

Require compliance with the production plans that guarantee the National Balance and the consumption of food products and their marketing. (L. 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 200, 201, 205, 206, 208, 209, 211, 214, 264 , 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313).


1.1. Compliance with the delivery to the population of: meats, vegetables, fruit trees and grains

1.2 Fulfillment of the production with contribution to the National Balance of: meats, vegetables, fruit trees and grains.

Compliance with the production of: milk, milk delivery to industry and direct milk delivery.

1.3. Compliance with deliveries to tourism in: delivery of fresh fish, delivery of milk powder, delivery of goat sheep meat, delivery of pig meat and delivery of cheese.

1.4. Productions derived from flour: bread, sweets, pastries and others.

Quality of life.

Control the improvement of public services and the quality of life in Education, Health, Culture and Sport. (L. 140, 159, 302, 172, 155, 298, 299, 151, 145, 150, 163, 162, 269)


2.1. Child mortality. (L. 159)

2.2. Life expectancy. (L. 159)

2.3. Achieve proper functioning of the emergency system. (L. 155)

2.4. AEDES infestation. (L. 159)

2.5. Achieve class attendance. (L. 151)

2.6. Achieve school achievement. (L. 145)

2.7. Guarantee the continuity of studies. (L. 150, 172)

2.8. Teaching staff coverage

2.9. Achieve the construction of housing for the state.

2.10. Assign funding to 100% approved grants.

2.11. Carry out popular festivals in the Municipality. (L. 163)

2.12. Implement the summer plans achieving satisfaction of the people

2.13. Achieve satisfactory results in School and Youth Social sports competitions. (L. 162)

2.14. Hold massive sporting events. (L. 161)

Economic efficiency.

To supervise the fulfillment of the Economy Plan and the execution of the State Budget. (L. 01.04.04, 05, 07, 08, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21.31, 32, 33, 37, 41, 46, 48, 50, 51, 56 , 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 69, 117, 119, 122, 124, 125, 140, 143,154, 155,156, 161,162, 169)


3.1. Meet total income. (L. 01, 05, 21, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65)

3.2. Reach Surplus. (L. 63)

3.3. Execute approved expenses. (L. 64)

3.4. Comply with Total Net Sales.

3.5. Comply with the Mercantile Circulation plan.

3.6. Comply with the Indicator Salary Expense by Gross Value Added Pesos. (L. 41)

3.7. Eliminate past due accounts receivable and pay. (L. 08, 10, 13, 14, 46, 48, 50, 51)

3.8. Eliminate Companies with Losses. (L. 17)

3.9. Comply with the export plan. (L. 76, 78, 89)

Defense and internal order.

Demand compliance with defense preparation tasks taking into account the prospects for economic and social development. (L. 158)


4.1. Satisfy the territorial demands of the Defense.

4.2. 100% fulfill the planting plan in hectares and thousands of trees, with the expected survival.

4.3. Maintain the MB rating in the MTN program.

4.4. Complete 100% of the provincial, municipal and defense zone level courses with 90% attendance

4.5. Complete 100% rural and technological fire risk studies

4.6. Reach higher levels in the technical disposition coefficient of the warning means.

4.7. Achieve 85% of young people eligible to enter the SMG.

4.8. Verify 100% of the Municipalities and Administrative Directorates of the local subordination for the control of security and protection measures on causes and conditions that generate crimes, illegalities and acts of corruption.

4.9. Ensure the completion of the Operations.

4.10. Update 100% of the documentation for the evacuation process of the population.


Relación de los acuerdos que fueron adoptados en las sesiones de la Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular correspondiente al 25 de diciembre de 2021.


Acuerdo Nro.  377 XVII La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprueba por unanimidad el orden del día de la XXVII sesión ordinaria de la  Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular.

Fecha: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

 Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata.


Acuerdo No.378 XVII La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata aprueba por unanimidad aprobar el informe presentado por el Consejo Popular Cayo Ramona.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

 Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular.


Acuerdo No.379 XVII La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata aprueba por unanimidad  encargar al consejo popular de Cayo Ramona resolver las deficiencias señaladas en cuanto a:

1.     Continuar el seguimiento a la solución de los planeamientos hasta tener una respuesta adecuada.

2.     Continuar el trabajo sistemático con el diagnóstico de cada circunscripción para mantener  actualizado el Consejo Popular.

3.     Continuar trabajando con los delegados para lograr en cada circunscripción un proyecto de trabajo comunitario.

Fecha de cumplimiento: febrero del 2022.

 Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular.

Acuerdo No.380 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata   aprobar  por unanimidad  la rendición de cuentas del diputado Yuriet Estevez Gutiérrez.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.381 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata   aprobar  por unanimidad el informe presentado por la comisión temporal sobre  la rendición de cuentas del diputado Yuriet Estevez Gutiérrez y las recomendaciones realizadas.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.382 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad la liberación del diputo a la Asamblea Nacional  Ariel Mantecón Ramos.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.383 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad los lineamientos generales de las comisiones permanentes de trabajo para el año 2022.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.384 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad el plan de trabajo anual de la Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular para el año 2022.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.385 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad la reestructuración de las comisiones permanente de trabajo de la Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular.

Comisión Órganos Locales y Legalidad Socialista.

1. Damaris Rojas Blanco                           Presidente

2. Lázaro Mesa Morejón                            Vicepresidente

3. Diurna Romero Gómez                          Secretaria

4. Aida Rita Sollet Rodríguez                     Miembro

5. Deneisi Cribe Revilla                              Miembro

6. Arnaldo Ávila Otaño                               Miembro

Comisión Salud, Educación, Cultura, Deporte y Ciencia.

1.      Ana Belkis Peñate García                     Presidente 

2.      Marisol Alonzo González                        Vicepresidente                                                                                   

3.      Marisleidis consuegra López                   Secretaria

4.      Juan Carlos Piedra Álvarez                       Miembro

5.      Elizabet Fentes Hernández                       Miembro

6.      Rey Aragón Rivero                                       Miembro

7.      Maribel Martínez Díaz                                Miembro

Comisión de los Servicios

1. Yarannelis Subí Batista                                        Presidente

2. Rosa A. Gómez Niebla                                         Vicepresidenta

3. Taimy González Hernández                                  Secretaria

4. José Luis delgado santos                                     Miembro

5. Eduardo Morales Hernández                                Miembro

6. Yurka Santana Mejias                                           Miembro

Comisión Económica Productiva y Alta Demanda Popular

1.  Nelson Brito Sánchez                                     Presidente

2.  Minexys Campusano González                       Vicepresidente

3.  Yanelis   Torres  Gonzales                              Secretaria

4.   Froilán Fentes Veliz                                        Miembro

5.  José A. Urra Urra                                            Miembro

6. Anabel Román zayas                                      Miembro

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.386 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad la comisión temporal para la rendición de cuentas del Consejo Administración Municipal.

1- Nelson Brito Sánchez                  Presidenta

2- Minexys campusano González    Vicepresidente                                                                                               

3- Marisol Alonso González             Secretaria

4-  Yurka Santana Mejias                Miembro                                                                          

5-  Ana Belkis Peñate García          Miembro

6- Yanelis Torres González              Miembro

7-  Damaris Rojas Blanco                Miembro

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.387 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata aprobar  por unanimidad  el informe presentado por la comisión temporal sobre el cumplimiento del programa de la vivienda.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.388 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata aprobar  por unanimidad encargar al consejo de la administración resuelva la situación de:

a)    Presenta dificultades  el funcionamiento de la comisión que rectorea la política de la vivienda.

b)    Hay viviendas sin  legalización en el  municipio que hoy no tienen estatus legal

c)     Falta Agilidad en  la entrega de terreno a los solicitantes.

d)   Desagregar el plan del programa de la vivienda del Año 2022 hasta el nivel de Consejo Popular y Circunscripción para chequearlo diferente y asegurar su cumplimiento.

e)    Dificultad en  los niveles de producción en  Renglones de Construcción que den respuesta al 100 % de la demanda buscando el crecimiento del plan de vivienda, con énfasis a la carpintería de madera.

f)     No se le da  solución a la producción del módulo Sandino de elementos prefabricados que se   encuentra en el patio de Playa Girón.

 Implementar en un plazo no menor de 30 días.

Fecha de cumplimiento: febrero  del 2022.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.389 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata aprobar  por unanimidad encargar a la comisión de asuntos económicos darle seguimiento a los acuerdos adoptados sobre el programa de    la vivienda.

Fecha de cumplimiento: febrero  del 2022.

Responsable: Comisión económica y de alta demanda popular.

Acuerdo No.390 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad la derogación del acuerdo199/20 adoptado por el consejo de administración reflejado en el acta 15/2020de fecha 28 de agosto.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.391 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad aprobar la propuesta de las circunscripciones que realizarán trabajo comunitario en el 2022.

1          Arnaldo Águila Otaño                           enero

2          Eduardo Morales Hernández      


4          Marisleidis Consuegra López               octubre

5          Yuriet Estévez Gutiérrez.             

6          Minexys Campuzano González          noviembre

7          Lázaro Mesa Morejón                          noviembre

8          Aida Rita Sollet Rodríguez                     octubre

9          Marisol Alonso González                      diciembre

10       Yarannelis Subí Batista     

11       Rosa Amelia Gómez Nieblas       

12       Ana Belkis Peñate García                    diciembre

13       Juan Carlos Piedra Alvares                   marzo

14       Alain Sobrino Navarro                        febrero

15       José Luis Delgado Santos                      febrero

16       Nelson Luis Brito Sánchez         

17       José Luis Delgado  Santos                      marzo

18       Taimy González Hernández                    abril

19       Elizabet Fente Hernández                       abril

20       José Antonio Urra Urra                            mayo

21       Damaris Rojas Blanco                            mayo

22                                                                      junio

23                                                                   junio

24       Yurka Santana Mejías                            

25       Rey Aragón Rivero                                 julio

26       Florián Fentes Veliz                                julio

27       Deneisi Cribe Revilla                   

28       Yanelis Torres González                          agosto

29       Diurna Romero Gómez                             agosto

30       Anabel Román Zayas                              septiembre

31       Maribel Martínez Díaz                            septiembre

32                                                                    enero

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular

Acuerdo No.392 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad el cese en funciones de la delegada Leidis Bring Hernández por renuncia.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Consejo de Administración Municipal

Acuerdo No.393 XVII  La Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Ciénaga de Zapata  aprobar  por unanimidad el cese en funciones de la delegada Gilaine Dorticós Arencibia por renuncia.

Fecha de cumplimiento: 25 de diciembre  del 2021.

Responsable: Consejo de Administración Municipal