Partridge Point

It constitutes an international diving center, where you can practice this nautical modality from the coast. This site has great beauty and abundance of coral species, gorgonians, sponges and schools of multicolored tropical fish.

There on the coast is a beautiful coral reef where many fish can be admired. The facility has a restaurant, bar, cafeteria and works in the "all inclusive" mode; It is necessary to pay a "cover" to enjoy the facilities of the place.

It is a place of great endemism and a high degree of conservation, which inserts the Bay of Pigs, with significant ecological stability and spectacular karst manifestations. There is a large coral reserve, sea beds of exuberant beauty and water with a pleasant temperature at any time of the year from where you can dive in the open sea or go cave diving in caves flooded with brackish water, areas linked to the speleolacustre system of the Ciénaga de Zapata , for this they have highly qualified personnel.