1-With all the opinions and elements offered by the diagnosis. People who work on each subject must seek solutions, (from within the constituency, first of all), for this they will exchange with school personnel, the family doctor, the cultural promoter, the social worker, the mass organizations , etc., but already at that time, not as part of the diagnosis, but to seek solutions and incorporate into the plan the tasks of the organizations they represent, such as blood donations, cytological testing, care for children with non-compliance in their schoolwork, participation in cultural activities, etc.

Delegates from the Municipal Assembly visit a Community to exchange with residents about community work

The people who make up these commissions must be empowered so that they can exchange with the municipal directorates and other organizations. With all these elements, they must develop a plan that integrates all the actions to improve the lives of residents in the district. During this stage, the delegate must dispatch with the commissions to control the work and offer guidance. It is normal that the commissions do not go at the same rate and even that it is necessary to replace someone responsible or member of them because it does not work.

2-When the commissions have completed their work (it must be done in the shortest possible time so as not to discourage the population) a meeting is held with the participation of all the members of those commissions, the leaders of the political and mass organizations and the representatives of the administrative directorates to present the action plan proposed by each commission. There all plans are discussed, criteria are given, modified if necessary and approved.

Once the action plan that integrates all the work of the district based on the criteria of the population has been approved, it becomes a project of self-transformation that the community has decided to carry out consciously, without responding to criteria or pressure external. The next step will be to make it known to the members of the community by holding meetings, using the CDR structure or if it coincides with the Delegate's accountability date, it can be done in said activity.

3-The implementation of the action plan is carried out through coordination meetings (which some call the factor meeting) that must be held monthly in each constituency. There they analyze the tasks planned to be carried out next month, who should be the participants and who is responsible. Those responsible for the activities should go to that meeting to present their criteria about the activity and what support they need. In the initial stage there will be a learning process, where the population must get used to deciding and seeking solutions to problems, both from within and in other instances.

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