The Social Security Law No. 105 of 2008, provides in its article 4 that the Social Assistance Regime protects any person not fit to work who lacks family members in conditions to provide help, also in article 109 establishes that the protection is granted through monetary benefits, species and services.

Of monetary benefits: establishes the granting of these benefits, which according to their nature can be temporary or temporary. Likewise, it is regulated that between exceptional cases, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security may grant exceptional temporary monetary benefits from the Social Assistance Regime in amounts greater than those contained in the established scale.

Eventual monetary benefits are those granted when the person or family nucleus, for exceptional and justified reasons, presents an emergent situation, is considered emergent, when there is no family support or income to assume the immediate basic expenses for child support. , older adults, people with disabilities, seriously ill or other payments that are considered unpayable.

Temporary monetary benefits are those that are granted for a term of up to one year, when the situation of the family nucleus that originated its concession is expected to last over time.

The amount of temporary monetary benefits is fixed taking into account the established scale, conditioned to the number of members of the family nucleus and the need for protection, for which the:

    Inability of the members of the family nucleus to enter employment, motivated by health situations, disability or other causes that justify it.
    Insufficiency of income to assume basic expenses.
    Lack of obligated relatives in a position to provide help.

Something you should know:

Family nucleus is understood to be one or more persons residing in the same domicile, existing among them, in addition to the family relationship, affinity or coexistence, common participation in the economy of said nucleus.

The need for protection is determined when the inability of the members of the family nucleus to enter employment is demonstrated, motivated by health situations, disability or other causes that justify it, it is verified insufficient income to assume food, medications, payment of basic services and the lack of relatives forced to provide help.

The need for protection of a family nucleus may be raised, by the interested parties themselves, social workers, political, mass and social organizations, institutions, delegates of the constituencies, or another person who considers it so, to the Municipal Labor Directorate for your attention and evaluation.


Procedure for the comprehensive evaluation of the socioeconomic situation of natural persons requesting subsidies for constructive actions in their home:

With the aim of complying with the regulations approved by agreement No. 7387 of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers, for the granting of subsidies to natural persons, to carry out constructive actions in their home, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, dictates the Resolution No. 47 of December 28, 201, which establishes the following procedure:

a) The work directorates will carry out the socio-economic investigations, when this is concluded a reasoned opinion is prepared and returned to the Municipal Housing Directorates.

Call for the contest for the design of the logo of the VII National Urban Forum

From April 22 to 24, 2020, in Havana, Cuba.

The National Urban Forum is a space for socialization, systematization and debate on good urban and architectural practices that are intended to be developed to achieve sustainable cities and communities, implementing the New Cuban Urban Agenda. We are reaching the seventh edition of such an important event that seeks to continue the implementation of the NAU in every corner of the country, with an emphasis on the local, as the main actor in the sustainable development that is intended to be achieved.

The Institute of Physical Planning (IPF) of Cuba and the United Nations Program for Human Settlements (UN-Habitat) call for the design of the logo to be the representative image of the VII National Urban Forum, to be held in Havana, Cuba, from April 22 to 24, 2020, according to the following bases:

Purpose of the contest: Design the logo of the VII National Urban Forum.

a) Participants must have legal residence in the Republic of Cuba.
b) Students from higher education, specialists, professionals from the National Union of Architects and Construction Engineers of Cuba (UNAICC), from Architecture schools, from the Higher Institute of Industrial Design (ISDi) may participate individually or collectively. ), as well as social communicators and certified journalists in these fields of study.

General design features and presentation standards
a) The proposals must be original, unpublished, have not been submitted in another contest or have an intellectual property registry.
b) The logo must be designed considering its reproduction in various materials (paper, cloth, plastic, glass or promotional items).
c) It must allow enlargement and reduction while preserving its legibility and without losing the details, as well as allowing its application in color and black and white.
d) Two proposals must be submitted: one in color and the other in black and white. It is recommended to use colors that are easily transferable to grayscale for later realization, both in color and in black and white.
e) The works must be accompanied by a brief description of the design, in a maximum length of one page.
f) Those logos that have sexist, xenophobic, racist, homophobic or offensive connotations against people or institutions will be excluded.

Admission period
The deadline for submitting proposals ends on February 5, 2020, at 23:59 hours in the Republic of Cuba.

Delivery method
Proposals should be sent by email to with a copy to
• Two proposals must be submitted: one in color and the other in black and white, in separate files.
• The formats for the delivery of the participating logo may be:
- PDF file (Adobe Acrobat).
- High resolution JPG or PNG (measures 3,000 pixels wide by what is high).
• The delivery format of the technical sheet will be in a Word document.
• Contest registration document (Annex 1) with the following personal data:
- Pseudonym of the participant or participants.
- Full name.
- Institution of belonging.
- Nationality.
- Personal address (street, number, floor and department), city and postal code.
- Usual contact telephone number, cell phone number and personal email for consultation
Proposals that do not meet the specifications indicated in this call will not be accepted.

Composition of the Jury and evaluation of the designs
The Jury of the contest will be made up of specialists in design, photography, communication and related areas, who will decide the winning proposal. The works will be analyzed using the pseudonym that the authors offer, hiding the author's identity until the Jury issues its opinion.
The opinion stage will comprise from February 5 to 9, 2020.
The Jury will have the power to propose adjustments to the winning design, without affecting the essence of the proposals.
The Jury's decision will be final and irrevocable. The contest may be declared void in the absence of a proposal that adheres to the bases established in this call.
It will be the Jury who will determine the procedure to follow.

Results and Awards
The results will be announced on February 10, 2020, on the IPF web pages and UN-Habitat-Mexico, directly in the contact details provided at the time of design registration. Similarly, they will be socialized through the institutional social networking sites of both entities.
The winning design will be the image of the VII National Urban Forum and will be applied in all printed and digital media, as well as in the various internal and external communications of the event. It will be the image of the Communication Campaign launched nationally and internationally.

Notification of ruling
The decision of the Jury will be publicly known through a statement on the official website, and on February 10, 2020.

The author of the winning design will be awarded a diploma accrediting both entities and a public mention will be made of the creation of the logo at the VII National Urban Forum. Your participation in all Forum sessions will be fully covered.

Property of the work
The chosen project will have the express consent of the winner to assign exclusively to the IPF and UN-Habitat the rights of use, reproduction, transfer, distribution and public communication of the design, without payment or consideration to the winner.
The winner will have to sign a concession / assignment of rights to use the logo and graphic identity to be deserving of the prize.
Participants should take care to ensure that their works are not in any way similar to other existing logos or other copyrighted images.

Acceptance of the bases
Participation in this call admits the full acceptance of the bases. Its interpretation or any aspect not indicated in them corresponds solely and exclusively to the Jury.

Personal data protection
Participants are informed that the personal data collected will be protected under the terms of the applicable laws. The information provided by the participants will only be used for the procedure established in this call and the corresponding intellectual property registry.
In case of doubts or clarifications regarding this call, the following contact details are made available:
In person at the IPF, located at Avenida Independencia No. 2420 e / Ferrocarrily Line Calle 100, Boyeros, Havana, Cuba.
Department of International Collaboration and Public Relations.
Telephone: 7265-56 80 ext. 185
Via email to the following addresses: with a copy

We wish all participants success.

Download: Contest rules + Annex 1 Contest registration document for the design of the logo of the VII National Urban Forum

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