Contemplative diving:

Diving and Snorkeling are among the most important attractions for the region, there are five International Diving Centers: Playa Larga, Cueva de Los Peces, Punta Perdiz, Playa Girón and Caleta Buena. All of them offer courses in different specialties with the international SSI certification: Open Water, Advance and various specialties. There are 11 environmentally certified diving spots in the region and some of them are related to ancient legends about corsairs and pirates that haunted the area.

Diving is done from the coast, it is not necessary to use boats due to the proximity of the talub (between 80 and 100 m from the coast) which allows double diving during the day plus one dive at night. These characteristics allow Multilevel Diving, slowly descending from the coast to the depth the diver wishes and vice versa. Additionally, deep diving can be carried out up to more than 30 meters. One of the diving attractions in the region is the existence of four small sunken boats that are located 150 m from the coast and where abundant marine life can be observed. Cliffs, tunnels and flaps are very common on the seabed of this region. There are also plenty of elk antlers, leaf corals, star corals, sea fans, black coral, a variety of barrel-shaped sponges, tubular, baskets and cups, a variety of fish species. Upon reaching the veril about 100 meters from the coast, another great attraction appears, the steep wall with depths of 40 meters where you can find large sponges, gorgonians and corals.

Diving in the Zapata Peninsula is based on the principles of preserving underwater ecosystems, with the entire area where it is performed, within a protected area and always accompanied by highly experienced professional instructors, horizontal visibility in winter is 30 m and in summer 25 m and temperatures oscillate in summer around 32 ° C and in winter 27 ° C.

The transport to the diving points mail by the client with the exception of the clients that are served in the CIB of Playa largo and Playa Girón los cueles have 24-seater buses to transport them to the diving point of their choice. The carrying capacity or assimilation of daily customers of the product in the territory given its extension is 15 pax per point x days in maximum groups of 8 pax per dive and in the case of snorkeling it is 15 pax per instructor. It is an activity with a certain degree of complexity that involves risks, so that before the dive, clients must previously sign a certificate of responsibility.


The product consists of tours of various trails with different natural values. The main values ​​that the Biosphere Reserve has are given in the diversity, complexity and degree of conservation of its ecosystems, variety of landscapes with important scenic value, biological diversity, endemism and historical-cultural values.

The variety of landscapes with important scenic value is given by their uniqueness, having as tourist attraction: intermittent lagoons, swamp grasslands, petenes, mangroves and their succession, estuaries, lagoons and channels, the temporarily flooded forest, semi-deciduous forest, the xerophytic forest, the fluvial landscape of the Hatiguanico river and its tributaries, karst savannas, karst drainage system, flooded caves (cenotes), geological structure and calming, the marine-coastal zone, keys, the marshes, the coves, the Bay.

The areas that are visited are internationally recognized for being one of the best places for birdwatching in the entire Caribbean, for which several trails planned for this modality were designed:

    Las Salinas Trail
    Enigma of the Rocks Trail
    San Lázaro-Guamutales Trail
    Arroyones Trail
    Bermejas Trail

The internal accesses to the starting points of the trails are in good condition and transportation to them is done by the customer. There is a service of specialized local guides of great experience and with a language level. The load capacity is 2 groups in the morning and 1 group in the afternoon for all areas, groups must have a maximum of 15 pax. The degree of difficulty is medium, given that the trails are flat with periods of temporary flooding, and you should wear comfortable clothes, light shoes, sunscreen and mosquito repellent.

Walks along the Hatiguanico River:

It is accessed by an embankment of about 8 kilometers from the point known as Hato de Jicarita (Km 104 of the National Highway). It starts from a jetty in motor boats through the vast waters of the Hatiguanico River, considered the Amazon of Cuba. Exuberant mangroves and a diverse flora and fauna of fish, waterfowl, reptiles and mammals can be appreciated during the journey of about 14 km where you can visit the source of the river and take a refreshing swim in its crystalline springs. Capacity: 60 pax in two sessions (30 in the morning and 30 in the afternoon).

Bird watching:

To do bird watching, you will depart early in the morning from the hotel or another place where it is defined for this activity, you will take land tours until you reach the places whose transport is carried out by the client. Due to the characteristics of the product, once in the bird watching area tourists will be organized into two groups of 10 people each accompanied by a specialized guide for each group.

Tours last an estimated 3-5 hours, returning to the initial starting point (hotel or other accommodation sites), or to the places where lunches and dinners are planned. As agreed with the agency, a snack or lunch will be offered in the Reserve areas assigned for such purpose. There are currently 8 trails for this purpose:

    Salinas Trail
    Hatiguanico River Trail
    Santo Tomás Trail
    Arroyones Trail
    San Lázaro - Guamutales Trail
    Peralta Trail - Canal de los Patos
    Natural Element Highlighted Zale's Speleolacustre System
    Bermejas Wildlife Refuge

The carrying capacity or assimilation of daily customers of the product in the territory given its extension is 6 groups of up to 15 pax, the internal accesses to the starting points of the trails are in good condition and there is a service of local guides specialized with great experience and language level. The degree of difficulty is low given that the trails are flat and you should wear comfortable clothes, light shoes, sunscreen and mosquito repellent.

No special qualification or certification is required to exercise the activity, only the guides know the territory and the birds to observe.

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