Physical Planning Procedures


Name of the entity: Municipal Directorate of Physical Planning (DMPF).

Address: Junction of Playa Larga. Cienaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Director: Lic. Dayanis Alfonso Ortega

Telephone: 45987344.


These procedures are carried out in the offices of the Municipal Directorate of Physical Planning:

  • Buying and Selling, Donation and Exchange with the State +

    Resolution No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute When, due to the existence of urban and territorial regulations that prevent it, the owners of wasteland plots could not obtain authorization Read More
  • Construction License +

    It is an obligatory technical-administrative document prior to any urban, architectural and constructive action, aimed at complying with urban regulations and other technical standards. The Construction License is issued for: Read More
  • Description, appraisal, measures and boundaries +

    Description, appraisal, measures and boundaries:Disposición Jurídica Resolución No. 54/14 del Instituto de Planificación Física. The technical opinion of description, appraisal, measures and boundaries is issued by the DMPF, and natural Read More
  • Litigation and claims concerning wasteland plots +

    Litigation and claims concerning wasteland plots, perpetual surface rights, measures and boundaries: Legal Provision Resolución No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute. When there is a conflict around wasteland plots, perpetual Read More
  • Rates for natural people +

    Rates for natural people. Construction License for housing, value of technical service in pesos and value of the stamp. Technical services  Technical Service value Stamp value  Construction License for housing Read More
  • Certificate of habitable +

    It is an administrative document through which is certified that the investment of a house, covered by a construction license has been completed; it has all the facilities required in Read More
  • Certificate of Urban Regulations +

    Certificate of Urban Regulations: Disposición Jurídica Resolución No. 54/14 del Instituto de Planificación Física. Read More
  • Cession of roof use +

    Cession of roof use: Resolution No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute Owners may concede the use of the roof of their property, with or without payment, in favor of Read More
  • Allocation of State Land +

    Legal Provisions Resolutions 54 and 55/14 of the Physical Planning Institute Persons interested in building housing by their own efforts on state land must submit their application and substantiation, also Read More
  • Personal Property of Wasteland Plots +

    Legal Provisions Resolution No. 55/14 of the Physical Planning Institute. It is any portion of land where there is no building or, existing, is of little significance, traced as such Read More
  • Urban regulations of municipalities +

    Urban regulations of the municipality.Our municipality has an urban regulations plan approved since 2015.In this regard, general mandatory codes and regulations are established for this settlement, which are complemented and Read More
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