1st ACTIVITY. Meeting with the factors of the district to explain the work.


Participatory workshops are held with the population by age groups. Make the selection of the participants taking into account their inclusive character looking for a wide representation by: skin color, cultural level, social conduct, sexual orientation, sex, level of alcoholic ingestion, occupation or profession or trade, believers of different manifestations, non-believers, etc.) The age groups can be: children, adolescents (Basic S.), young people (15 to 18 years old), young people (18 to 25 years old), adults and older adults.

Participants in these workshops must provide criteria on the positive aspects and problems existing in the district on housing, interpersonal relationships, education, health, recreation, discipline, legality, etc. During the realization of the same each person must develop their individual criteria on the topics discussed, then they will meet in teams and from there the team criteria will emerge; Subsequently, the criteria of the constituency will be released for further processing. During the workshops, neither the Delegate, nor any other person who is directing the workshop, should give an answer or solution to the proposals, the most he should do is stimulate the participants to discuss the issue and they reach a solution. or they realize they need more information to decide.

Once all the workshops are finished, the opinions are collected and grouped by subject: For example: all the approaches related to recreation, those that have to do with

the health of the population, with education, with commerce, etc.

Thematic work teams are formed, which will be made up of the people who contributed the most ideas during the workshops and may include any other resident person in the district who has not been able to attend the workshop and is considered to be able to make contributions. important.

The first task of these groups is to complete the diagnosis with the criteria of the representatives of the organisms, without "crushing" the criteria of the population. For example: the family doctor and nurse, the cultural promoter, the school director, the social worker, the head of the sector, leaders of existing work centers and services in the district (the winemaker, the communal services manager) , etc.)

With these elements and others that are necessary such as the health picture, disabled people, those disconnected from study and work, university graduates by specialties, art instructors, ex-inmates, etc. The participatory diagnosis is concluded based on the criteria of the population.

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