Special education

The purpose of this education is to achieve the maximum development of the students' abilities; globally develop your personality; preparing them for incorporation and participation in society.

Special Education in our municipality has 1 educational institution with an enrollment of 23 students with intellectual disabilities and delayed development.











Cecilio Miranda










Teachers with a high scientific level keep up to date by improving themselves through different means and have 12 hours of methodological preparation to raise the quality of the classes, in addition to the priority they give to preparing subjects daily.

There are specialists who collaborate teachingly with their knowledge of computer science, English, art, librarians, psycho-pedagogues, speech therapists and physical education, with the use of audiovisual media, technicians, modules of Natural Sciences, Labor Education, didactic games, laminars.

The institution is attended by specialists from the Diagnostic and Orientation Center, who contribute to the preparation of the structure of the center and its teachers; as well as in the elaboration of the educational attention strategies of the students.



Basic Secondary Education

The purpose of this education is to contribute to the integral formation of the student's personality, in addition to its obvious benefits, a fuller and better life and thus contribute in turn to a better society in which young people are aware of their rights and duties.

Basic Secondary Education has 3 educational institutions of which are 2 pure ESBUs and one inserted in the Eddy Gómez Planelles mixed center.

The enrollment of this education is 291 students from 7th to 9th grade, distributed as follows by institutions.







Eulogio Lobato





Rubén Moreira





Eddy Gómez(ESBE)










Teachers with a high scientific level keep up to date by improving themselves through different means and have 12 hours of methodological preparation to raise the quality of the classes, in addition to the priority they give to preparing subjects daily.

There are specialists who collaborate teachingly with their knowledge of computer science, English, art, librarians, psycho-pedagogues, speech therapists and physical education, with the use of audiovisual media, technicians, modules of Natural Sciences, Labor Education, didactic games, laminars.

100% of educational institutions work for vocational training and career guidance taking into account what is established in the development of the movement of monitors and circles of interest, in order of priority that of Pedagogy from 7th to 9th grade. There are also other circles of interest and educational, socio-productive projects in the municipalities based on the needs of each territory such as: Sport, Firefighters, Environment, Agronomy, Food preparation, Manual work, Road education, Physical Education, Medicinal plants , Computing, Civil Defense, Military Patriot, Librarianship, Nursing, among others.

Education is immersed in the III Improvement of the Educational System, educational institutions have shown that the intervention of students, workers, family, community with its different agents and agencies, with a leading role among all, that the mission and comprehensiveness The student rises every day in function of a better world, with everyone and for everyone, laying the foundations from this primary level. (In 7th grade which is the one selected).

We have 3 students who choose pedagogical careers in the basic secondary specialties.

Teacher Training.

With the emergence of the Cuban nation, the teaching profession has distinguished itself for its patriotism, for its dedication and dedication to the education of new generations. After the triumph of the Revolution, the milestones that indicate the qualitative leaps in the progress of education, have had as one of their tasks the promotion and improvement of teacher training for all educational levels that make up the National System of Education.

The Revolution, based on the different political calls made to the people and young people in particular, allowed us to identify the periods in which the emerging or accelerated route was a necessary alternative, in the effort to continue the revolutionary process.

Our municipality works systematically in the fulfillment of the actions to promote Vocational Training and Vocational Guidance as a pillar for achieving the coverage of the necessary workforce that ensures the Educational Teaching Process fulfilling the end of Socialist Education.

Taking into account the aforementioned, we managed to recruit 25 students for pedagogical careers in the different specialties which are: 14 for basic secondary teachers, 5 English, 1 Mathematics, 1 Chemistry, 3 Geography, 1 Physics, 1 History, 1 Visual Education and Theatrical, 1 Computing. In Primary Education 8 for primary teachers and 1 Plastic Education and 3 in Early Childhood.

We have 28 students studying at the René Fraga Moreno teacher training school in the different disciplines: 10 Early Childhood, 10 Primary, 2 Basic Secondary and 3 in Vocational Technical Education and 7 of them graduate in this school year which is later incorporate our educational institutions.


Early Childhood Education

Early childhood is defined as a period from birth to eight years of age, and constitutes a unique moment of growth in which the brain develops notably. During this stage, children are more influenced by their environments and contexts.

Early childhood care and education not only contributes to preparing children from primary school. It is a goal of holistic development of the child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs, with a view to creating a broad and solid foundation for his well-being and learning throughout his life. It has the potential to forge open, capable and responsible citizens of the future.

  Our municipality has 1 Children's Circle with an enrollment of 86 children and its regime is semi-permanent in the total enrollment.








Florecitas de abril







Teachers keep up to date by improving themselves through different methods of methodological preparation to raise the quality of classes, in addition to the priority they give to preparing subjects daily, they also have 12 hours planned for this. The institution has the completion of the necessary workforce; as well as with the structure of the Board of Directors.

Professional technical education

Before the triumph of the Revolution, there were around 14 Technical schools in the country, most of them Agricultural, mainly sugar cane and 4 Industrial, in 1961 the Industrial technical schools increased, mainly in Havana, Matanzas, Santa Clara and Holguín, increasing every year. due to the technological changes of the companies perfecting at various times the teaching.

The youth movement schools were created under the decree: 3664 of May 17, 1971 with the aim of promoting, organizing and controlling the increase in the educational level of young people between 13 and 16 years of age, with great school delay and disconnected from the National education system, providing them with the learning of a trade through the linkage in the work centers. These have undergone transformations as a consequence of the educational development as well as the requirements of the production, services and characteristics of the student. This resulted in the May 17, 1989 Decree Law: 151 was created by the Council of Ministers and its Executive Committee, where the trade schools and their objectives are created. The vocational schools have as their essential objectives, "to reincorporate under-schooled young people with no ties to the National Education System, offering them the opportunity to prepare themselves in a trade for incorporation into working life.

The students who graduate from the trade schools carry out activities that respond to a deficit trade of the economy and the services of the territories. These are defined by the municipal governments, subsequently allowing the insertion and job placement of students in the same jobs.

The Technical and Professional Education in the municipality has 1 educational center for the training of the qualified force that the production and service organizations demand, which works as a mixed one, with basic secondary school. Currently, students are preparing in 5 specialties to the branches of production and services which respond to the following specialties: Forestry 3rd year 12 students, 17 Accounting, 7 Human Capital Management and 7 Social Worker.

The agreements with the different organizations have been signed, a work system has been implemented with the vice-president of the municipal government, which has generally allowed the insurance of the 4 annexed classrooms and the 17 professionals of the necessary organisms to cover the needs of the labor force.

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