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Municipality Information

Municipal Directorate of Culture Ciénaga de Zapata

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Municipal Directorate of Culture Ciénaga de Zapata

Services we provide.

Continue promoting the Defense of identity, the preservation of cultural heritage, artistic and literary creation and the ability to appreciate art. Promoting reading, enriching the cultural life of the population and promoting community work as ways to meet spiritual needs and strengthen social values, has prepared a comprehensive program of activities for the celebration and enjoyment of the people in general, which highlights the The work of the workers in the sector, the movement of amateur artists (MAA) and in general of the social actors that pay tribute to the cultural life of the communities in our territory.

Culture Contacts:

Municipal Director of Culture: Yanelis Martínez César

Telephone: 45 98 7110

Contacts of Casa de Cultura April 19:

Director of the House of Culture

José Raúl Rodríguez:

Telephone: 45 98 4145

Contacts of the Playa Girón Museum:

Director of the Playa Girón Museum

Dulce María Limonta del Pozo:

Telephone: 45 98 4122


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