Self-Employed Transportation Workers


Self-employment ordinances in the carrier activity.

The necessary pikeboats in the Ciénaga de Zapata municipality to organize the provision of passenger transportation services. The following principles will apply:

  • They are distributed throughout the length and breadth of the municipality and will be classified into booths for the exclusive use of carriers contracted with the Taxis-Cuba agency that will provide services in the municipality, and in booths for public use by all carriers who comply with the established in resolution No.368 / 2013 of the Ministry of Transport.
  • A regulation for the activity will be established based on the principles related to this project.
  • In the booths for exclusive use only carriers that are linked to the Taxis-Cuba agency will have access, on equal terms both the owners of the means and the leased.
  • The runners will be properly marked both vertically and horizontally.
  • Only those belonging to the carriers approved by the corresponding levels may exercise management of passenger transportation services in the municipality.
  • In relation to vehicles belonging to the rest of the Taxis-Cuba agencies, they may only provide passenger transportation services in the municipality in an exceptional way, when for reasons of the service they provide it is necessary to transfer clients from other provinces to the interior of the municipality, limiting the return exclusively to the services of Tranfers or excursions originated in other provinces.
  • When a holder of a transport operation license (except the Taxis-Cuba agency corresponding to the municipality), needs to transfer a client to the interior of the municipality, it is prohibited to exercise ticket arrangements within the municipality.


In our municipality, 2 self-employed workers provide service who permanently transport passengers for the province of Cienfuegos.

  • Rosendo

    Route: Cayo Ramona- Playa Girón, Cienfuegos.


  • The Green Truck.

    Route: Cienfuegos, Cayo Ramona, Playa Girón.


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