Our Region

Municipality Information

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Celia Sánchez Manduley Teaching Polyclinic

Address: Caletón, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 45987237

Services they provide:

  • Electrocardiogram
  • X-rays
  • Clinical laboratory
  • Ultrasound
  • Endoscopy
  • Physiatry
  • Menstrual Regulation
  • Minor Surgery
  • Infertility Consultation
  • Medical emergency
  • SUM
  • Traumatology
  • Specialties of Community Projection, Stomatology, Population Care.

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To receive the services provided by these rooms, the patient must submit a referral from the CMF doctor or another doctor with another specialty that requires these services for treatment and take an appointment, once this is done the patient will be evaluated by the Physiatrist and depending on the pathology, the rehabilitation treatment will be applied.

Playa Larga rehabilitation room.

Address: Junction Playa Larga, Cienaga de Zapata, Matanzas

Telephone: 45987150

Cayo Ramona rehabilitation room.

Address: Cayo Ramona, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 52192704

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Medical Extension:

Address: Cayo Ramona, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 52192704

Services they provide:

  • Electrocardiogram
  • X-rays
  • Clinical laboratory
  • Ultrasound, Physiatry
  • Medical emergency
  • Traumatology
  • Specialties of Community Projection, Stomatology, Population Care.

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House of grantparents

Address: Girón Beach, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 45984350

Services they provide:

  • Food care and social assistance to the elderly.

To enter these institutions, the following documents must be presented:

  • Written application for admission to the Department of Social Work of each health area, either by the patient or by family members.
  • Periodic examination and Validism Survey carried out at the CMF
  • Assessment by Psychiatry
  • Polyclinic Social Worker Report
  • Payment Certificate from the Ministry of Labor
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