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Korimakao: a community in art

The Korimakao Community Artistic Ensemble is an artistic institution founded on August 13, 1992 by the Commander of the Revolution Faustino Pérez and the renowned actor Manuel Porto. Its artistic-social objective has been to develop artistic creation and cultural promotion in pursuit of a deep appreciation of the arts and to directly influence the enrichment of the spirit and thought of the people of Cenaguer, the rest of the country and even others nations.

It is a cultural entity dedicated to offering employment opportunities to young Cubans with talent and artistic vocation, who without necessarily having to graduate from specialized education, can professionally perform as creators, artists and promoters of cultural activity. In these more than two decades of continuous work, we have trained more than 2,000 people from different generations.

In the Korimakao, the performing arts, music, visual arts, literature and audiovisual media merge, with a conception of comprehensiveness and transdisciplinary dialogue; betting on the value of artistic creation as the highest way of expressing culture in pursuit of improving the comprehensive quality of life of human beings.

Located in the town of Pálpite, this Center constitutes an important source of employment for the inhabitants of the territory, with an approved workforce of 180 workers: 100 artists, 20 associated with production and technical means, and 60 with services and administration. institutional.


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Community project:

Teatro el Bosque: It is an adult theater group for children whose themes to work are dedicated to the care and conservation of Nature, the region's main treasure.




It was founded on November 8, 1998 as an adult theater group for children whose themes to work are dedicated to the care and conservation of Nature, the region's main treasure. Later it is expanded to the participation of children and adolescents, settling in the town of Cayo Ramona for having the largest Educational Complex in the municipality, which favors the incidence of a greater number of children.


This project addresses a contemporary problem of great importance, the need for Community Environmental Education, starting from the assumptions of art as a way to influence in a healthy way the change in the attitude of men, women, and especially children and young towards the natural environment that surrounds them. In this case, the problem is addressed using different artistic manifestations as an effective way to transfer knowledge and aesthetic joys, aimed especially at the care and respect for nature, using as their main stage the communities and schools of the Ciénaga de Zapata wetland, one of the the most important natural territories of the country in terms of its biodiversity.


As an antecedent to this proposal for a community theater project dedicated to nature, different actions have been carried out by a group of art instructors from the Municipal Culture House of La Ciénaga de Zapata, who were advised by the Organ of Science, Technology and the Environment have presented their works dedicated to the environmental theme in various schools and remote communities in the town, and which corroborates the need to continue promoting this recreational option as an important way to raise awareness and educate residents in a culture of development. sustainable.

Objectives that the project has outlined through its work


  • Starting from artistic creation, fundamentally from theatrical work, promoting a process of cultural reorientation in communities and schools from the creation of an awareness about the care and conservation of nature, expanding knowledge about the environment of our children and young people.
  • Reaffirm the feelings of identity and belonging in the new generations based on the characteristics of their geographical, historical and cultural environment, using theatrical creation and other artistic manifestations as a way.
  • Propose a new cultural option that alleviates the artistic and aesthetic deficiencies that characterize the communities of this wetland, raising artistic taste and criteria based on close and creative work between artists and residents, mainly children and young people.
  • Promote the participation of the community in the artistic act and its workshops with the incorporation of actions that allow the active participation of women, the elimination of alcoholic culture and the creation of artisan workshops as a new employment option, taking sustainable use of natural resources.

Project management

  • José Raúl Rodríguez Valdés as Artistic Director.
  • María del Carmen Carrión Gutiérrez as General Producer.

Main repertoire

  • The Gothic of water.
  • Pelusín and the clowns by Dora Alonso.
  • Ignacio Gutiérrez's Peacock.
  • Patakún of a black doll by Alberto Cúrvelo.
  • The Forest of Wonders.


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Municipal Directorate of Culture Ciénaga de Zapata

Services we provide.

Continue promoting the Defense of identity, the preservation of cultural heritage, artistic and literary creation and the ability to appreciate art. Promoting reading, enriching the cultural life of the population and promoting community work as ways to meet spiritual needs and strengthen social values, has prepared a comprehensive program of activities for the celebration and enjoyment of the people in general, which highlights the The work of the workers in the sector, the movement of amateur artists (MAA) and in general of the social actors that pay tribute to the cultural life of the communities in our territory.

Culture Contacts:

Municipal Director of Culture: Yanelis Martínez César

Telephone: 45 98 7110

Contacts of Casa de Cultura April 19:

Director of the House of Culture

José Raúl Rodríguez:

Telephone: 45 98 4145

Contacts of the Playa Girón Museum:

Director of the Playa Girón Museum

Dulce María Limonta del Pozo:

Telephone: 45 98 4122


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Memorial Library "50th Anniversary of the Carbonera Dinner with Fidel"



This site, located near Soplillar,

It is located in the town of Soplillar, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas, this town 3 km from the east coast of the Bay of Pigs, on the road from Playa Larga to Playa Girón.


Fidel went to said town to share the dinner of December 24, 1959, together with several families of Cenagueros, among them that of Rogelio García and his wife Pilar Montano, and that of Carlos Méndez and his wife Francisca Almaguer.

It recalls the historical date on which Fidel decided to share the dinner of December 24, 1959 with several families of Cenagueros, including that of Rogelio García and his wife Pilar Montano, and that of Carlos Méndez and his wife Francisca Almaguer.

The initiative was promoted by the plastic artist Alexis Leyva Machado «Kcho», who directed the entire project, which includes the replica of the two huts of the host families of the historic dinner and the outdoor areas, as they were back then .


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