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When we extend the map of the Cienaga de Zapata we immediately observe the repetition of names - seeming to be a mistake by the expert cartographer - but guilt is removed from him, assisting him with all the historical truth. There are two factors that lead to such a situation:

    The territorial immensity of the wetland bringing closer latitude than the extremes of the meridians.

    The settlement and constant depopulation consequently brought that each distinguished new tenant believed himself the "Grand Admiral" or famous "Tata Lechuzo", designating names left and right.

In this way, Santas, Saints, Crocodiles, savannahs, Burned jimagüas and sometimes triplets are born! However regardless of who the firstborn was, they are all children of the wet mother, so they have been preserved in the oral history and folklore of Cienaguero:

"La Montañita", due to the thickness of the mountain (mount) that they found in that place; "Philippines", because the whole court belonged to children of Vuelta Abajo, which was known then as the "New Philippines"; "San Lázaro", name given to him by his primitive manager, who being a lazarin, in that place was cured with some herbs found in his mountains; "Corn", because the conucos of this grain settled there; "Santa Teresa or Hierba de Guinea", because with both names it was known, for being so designated by its original owners.


Santa Teresa occupied, then, land that is now occupied by the swamp, since in ancient documents it appears that their cattle were going to drink water from the Treasure Lagoon, which was considered as the farm's watering point.


The southern savannas were exploited by a settler named Juan Luis Valdés, who walked the jobo, that is, a fugitive from justice, and every time he was suspicious that they could go looking for him, he hid in some keys that exist in front of these savanna, belonging to the Canarreos archipelago, which currently retain that name, as it is known by the Juan Luis cays, as is the savanna.


The blind people of Zapata believe this legend so truthfully, that they are offended if it is doubted ... "


Only "Buenaventura" and "La Criolla" survive from those primitive population settlements recorded by the legend of Tata Lechuzo, although the place names have not succumbed to the passage of time either.

Today the Ciénaga de Zapata Municipality with its 4230 km2 shows the visitor 22 villages where 8763 people live together with a population density of 2 inhabitants x km2. Of course, before the triumph of the revolution the dispersion was extraordinary, in every corner of that majestic basin (4520 km2) "stunted" bateyes, chuchos and necropolis of "solitude and oblivion" proliferated.

She concentrated that dispersed population so that the benefits of the process reached everyone equally - it was impossible with the previous situation - to supply electricity, running water, education, culture, health and other human rights.


Thus from 1959 the historic bateyes were humanized and other identifiers of the new times emerged, they are populations of the Ciénaga de Zapata municipality:



Pálpite .................................... 240 ............ ............................ Foreboding, hunch.

  It is derived from the word

  pounding or throbbing.


Mario López .......................... 247 ..................... .................. Associated with the industry

                                                                                                 sugar bowl. So it was named

                                                                                                 the colony manager

                                                                                      of reed fostered here in



Long Beach ....................... 49 ........................ ........ It owes the name to its 400

                                                                                                meters long.



Caletón ................................. 273 ............... .................. For constituting an inlet

                                                                                        more broadly in the

                                                                                        input than their

                                                                                        sisters, also by

                                                                                        own 300 m. of length.


Buenaventura ..................... 78 ........................... ............... It had as its primary name

                                                                                        Ventura, thanks to the founder in

    Then would come the sanctified

                                                                                        place name of "San Buenaventura" and

                                                                                        in 1904 Maximino Yebra makes

                                                                                        honor her name by turning her

                                                                                        on the most prosperous farm in this



St Thomas……………. 60 ..................................... Relates to orders

                                                                                        ecclesiastical than in distant

                                                                                        times baptized the seats of

                                                                                        His properties. Although where

                                                                                        today the town is promoted carries the

                                                                                        name of "The Crocodile".


Link ............................... 30 ................. ................... The portion of land

                                                                                        corresponding to him it was a

                                                                                        realengo (had not been

                                                                                        mercedado) for what

                                                                                        linked to the colonial government.


Blowing ............................. 126 ................... .................. For being located in an area

                                                                                           where the tree called

                                                                                           blow (plural).

Hondones ........................... 55 ..................... ................ It comes from the word deep.

                                                                                           They proliferate in their surroundings

                                                                                          "sinkholes or cenotes", pools, rivers

                                                                                          underground, as part of a

                                                                                           interesting system



Girón Beach ....................... 619 ........................ ............ Associated with the famous pirate Gilberto



Guasasa ............................ 78 .................... ................. There are few who affirm that

                                                                                         the original name is "Caleta de

                                                                                         La Guasa ", because the Spanish José

                                                                                         Suarez caught a fish named

                                                                                        300 pound "joke". Even if

                                                                                         this piece of coastal soil already

                                                                                         he was blessed as

                                                                                         corral in the second half of

                                                                                         century XVI.


Crocodile ........................... 41 ..................... .............. By capturing a large reptile there

                                                                                      associated with the species of the place name.



Viradero ............................ 11 .................... .............. Associated with the Covadonga railway.

                                                                                     There they turned, changed direction

                                                                                     railway vehicles.
Helechal ............................ 197 .................... ............... Related to the abundance of

                                                                                      that plant in place.


Vermilion (s) ........................ 40 ..................... ........... Two names are associated

                                                                                     originating. Great Jucaro Vermilion

                                                                                     tree) that delimited the colonies of

                                                                                     Bermeja and Helechal; Vermilion Lands

                                                                                     (reddish blonde), characteristics of

                                                                                     I usually.


San Blas ........................... 19 .................... ................ Sanctified by the ecclesiastical order

                                                                                      "Los Dominicos", established in its

                                                                                      fertile land from 1900.

La Ceiba .......................... 129 ..................... ............ It comes from two kapok trees (largest tree

                                                                                   of the Antilles) that have still been

                                                                                    the Laguna de Marcos, located

                                                                                    kilometer east of the current batey.

                                                                                    Although she was merced as a Corral

                                                                                    in the second half of the 16th century.


Cayo Ramona .................. 587 ............................. Its primary name is Cayo

                                                                                  Ramones, related to a key of

                                                                                  mount where the tree abounded

                                                                                  Ramón; With which they satiated the

                                                                                  hunger and thirst the beasts, taking the

                                                                                  travelers a break. Then it was a

                                                                                  female named Ramona the graceful

                                                                                  sometimes and unfortunate others

                                                                                  according to each popular version.

Toll (eastern) ................ 12 ............................. ..When the road was built

                                                                                  Yaguaramas - Covadonga - Girón se

                                                                                  built a toll to collect the



Powder magazine .......................... 11 ...................... .......... You owe your name to a deposit of

                                                                                dynamite and explosives that were there,

                                                                                  to support the works of the Villa de

                                                                                 Girón, Carretera and others.


El Rincón ........................ 23 ....................... .......... Its real name is El Rincón de

                                                                                  Beasts, because there they carried

                                                                                  take refuge all those animals in

                                                                                  time of fillings or floods.


Forestry ............................ 9 .................... .............. Small population seat emerged

                                                                                  after the revolutionary triumph. There

                                                                                  sector control offices were located


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From 1530 to 1830 the Cienaga and its cays were a safe haven and a feeding site for a large phalanx of “sea lions”, standing out: Diego Pérez, Gilberto Girón, Cornelius Joels, Olonés, Legraude, Morgan and Grandmond.

The first two have been immortalized by the place toponymy:

Diego Pérez carved his name in the maritime cay that served as his den, during the time that he directed pirates in this sheltered area.

Girón gave the surname to a cove that became a beach, which transcends not because of him, but thanks to the socialist patriotism of the Cuban people evidenced here, in April 1961. This daring pirate also had the privilege - although in a negative role - of being perpetuated by the cultural history of the country, all the time, which counts among the main protagonists collected by the first Cuban literary work: Mirror of Patience.

The prolonged presence of brigantines, sailboats, pataches and vessels with a black flag and human skeleton as a symbol, not only clouded the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea that bathes our coastline, but also had a notable influence on the first economic activity (livestock) and folklore of the basin.

There are numerous anecdotes and legends that have been preserved through oral history to this day, related to these bloodthirsty men: “ships, lights, chains, fabulous treasures and pirate routes, still roam throughout the great swamp thanks to the imagination and incessant search for the long-lived native ”.

Many toponyms point to those "sea bandits": The aforementioned Diego Pérez and Girón; Caletas Ávalo, El Ingles; Buenaventura, which had in its founder (Diego Ventura) a close relative of such criminals.

The Buccaneers (pirates on land), transferred customs and ways of preserving salt to cure hides and treat meat. It turns out that Los Lobatos, founders of the San Lázaro batey) preserved such a buccaneering skill for a long time, let's see:


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GREAT: Swamp, Wetland, Watershed, Wooded Area, Ecosystem, Biosphere Reserve, Prehistoric Seat, Defeat of Yankee Imperialism, Municipality How many nouns with a common adjective! And all to designate how immense is the Cienaga de Zapata.

As the daughter of imagination, neglect, abandonment and isolation before 1959, a distorted image of her was created: chilling murders, swamps or scrapie determined to extinguish the human species, snake eaters and crocodiles and implacable vampires, turned the Swamp into Zapata in the dark Africa of Cuba.

Despite this, nature has remained beautiful and lavish for millennia to support her children, constituting our most precious treasure. We cannot forget that she conceived, breastfed and still pampers history! All the transcendental events or social processes developed here have had the absolute complicity of forests, coastline, steeple1, swamp and grassland, which as silent witnesses jealously guard great secrets !

La Ciénaga before and after taking his surname - ceded by Mr. Francisco Zapata since 1636 when he applied for the land grant, which with the name of Rancho de Juan Caballero, is located on the north bank of the beautiful Hatiguanico river - constituted a safe haven, not only for animals but also for man, who for various reasons sought their protection: aborigines, pirates, corsairs, buccaneers, maroons, mambises, bandits, fugitives and Hispanics.


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Around 1840, the Cuban sugar industry reached a great boom with the application of technical transformations. All the landowners who had sufficient financial resources began to build "modern mills", seeing in it a way to reduce costs and the number of slaves employed in the industry. But it was necessary to expand the cultivation areas to satisfy the greater production capacity of the mill, so the slaves ended up in the plantations, that is, slavery continues to manifest itself as an obstacle to industrial growth.

The forests that reinforced the northern waterfront of Cienaguera were cut down, so that the sweet grass grew in its space - in this way the nascent sugar mills were satisfied, but it had a great ecological impact on the basin, the “Neptune” and “Pluto” domains. ”They expanded considerably - the cane plantations proliferated and with them 43 mills throughout the border area.

For agricultural work there was no thought of the salaried worker, the creole landowners continued to cling to slavery in times when, under pressure from the “mother of industrialization” (England), the cessation of the slave trade had been decreed since 1820.

Then the "disgusting galleys" continued to make an appearance, carrying beings - who, torn from their mother Africa - those who did not perish in them or were devoured by the sharks, stepped on our muddy land barefoot and chained on the way to the north shore where they awaited them. slower death: Slavery.

There are still names that perpetuate and attest to that horrendous and illegal slave trade: Playa La Maquinaria (landing point); Loma Los Negros (north of Soplillar); Cayo Campamento de los Negros (south of Carmel), in this one, were sold to the unhappy and unfortunate humans as beasts, conforming the endowments of the many mills of that time.

Just as there was slavery, there was also slave rebellion! The maroons - indomitable blacks - preferred to endure the rigors of the great swamp than to remain submissive to the "sugar whip" that slowly devoured them.


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