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Culture House "April 19".

Culture house located in Playa Girón town, in the Cienaga de Zapata, Matanzas province, Cuba.


It is inaugurated on July 20, 1980.


His work is based on rescuing, preserving and spreading traditional popular culture from the rescue of traditions, recognition of diversity and participatory processes of the population from the appreciation, creation and artistic-literary promotion in children and adolescents, with emphasis in schools to contribute to their ethical and aesthetic training.

Artistic manifestation

In the house, there are mainly four artistic manifestations: music, dance, theater and literature. Formerly this work was carried out with foreign instructors but currently they have seven instructors from the territory who are in charge of carrying the cultural message to the entire population. Its artistic-creative-cultural irradiation covers the entire territory of the municipality. It has an Artistic Brigade made up of 24 members, where music, dance and theater play in a unique way with two shows:

  • This is how we are: aimed at young people and adults.
  • Wetland Boys: specially aimed at children.
  • Likewise, the theater group Teatro del Bosque, winner of territorial, provincial and national awards, gives an overview of children's artistic endeavors in Ciénaga de Zapata. This group recently obtained the Art in Wetlands distinction, awarded by the National CITMA.
  • It has the performance of the troubadour Osvaldo Soto, categorized nationally.
  • It also has the only traditional children's music sextet in the province: Colibrí, carriers of the best selection of guajiras, sones montunos and habaneras of the national repertoire.
  • The Future Dance group, made up of 12 young men and women, has a wide range of Cuban and Caribbean dances in its repertoire.
  • Plastic artists (graduated from the School of Art Instructors) Ismael Silveira and Yosvany Bello represent the genre.

Cultural centers:

    Cayo Ramona Cultural Center.

Location: Cayo Ramona, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

    Playa Larga Cultural Center.

Location: Junction Playa Larga, Cienaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Reading room and TV:

    Reading room and TV Soplillar

Location: Cayo Ramona, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

    El Helechal TV and reading room.

Location: El Helechal, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

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