Self-Employed Worker

Are you interested in starting as a Self-Employed Worker?

The person interested in exercising the work on their own, submits the following documents to the designated official of the entities that issues the authorization, in order to decide whether the request is appropriate or not:

    a) Request brief;
    b) identity card;
    c) two 1x1 photos;
    d) request for authorization to employ contract workers and draft employment contract or equivalent document, where the agreed clauses and conditions are specified;
    e) authorization of the Historian or Conservator, as appropriate, in the cases in which he intends to carry out the activity within the limits of the Priority Conservation Zone; and
    f) other required documents, in correspondence with the activity to be carried out.

What is the content of the documents you must submit?

  • Description of the activity you intend to carry out and the place where you are going to carry it out;
  • Sworn declaration of the origin of the financing source and the investments made or to be carried out in the activities: Landlord of housing, rooms and spaces; Automotive equipment grease scrubber; Blacksmith; Bodybuilding gym instructor; Recreation equipment operator; Baker- confectioner; Producer selling footwear; Sheet metal service; Building construction, repair and maintenance services; Gastronomic service in cafeteria; Gastronomic service in restaurant; Bar and recreation service; Transportation of cargo and passengers with automotive, rail and maritime means;
  • Origin of the equipment and means, when appropriate;
  • Compliance with the rules of Physical Planning, hygiene, food safety, rational use of water, environment and fire protection, when appropriate;
  • Interest in using posters, artistic services or both;
  • Production or service schedule, in accordance with the provisions of the People's Power Administration Council; and
  • Source of origin of the interested party for the purposes of affiliation to social security.

When the request is to carry out activities in dwellings, rooms or spaces, in which acts constituting a crime have been committed on occasion of the exercise of self-employment, the empowered authority does not issue a new authorization.

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