Social care

Social care

The Social Security Law No. 105 of December 27, 2008 provides in its article 4 that the Social Assistance regime protects any person not fit to work who lacks obligated relatives in a position to provide help, and also Article 105 that that Social Assistance protects the elderly without resources or protection and others who require it, and protection is granted through monetary benefits, species and services as referred to in article 109 of said Law.

Procedure for granting the monetary benefits of social assistance:

Temporary monetary benefits are those granted when a family nucleus presents a situation of need.

Exceptional temporary monetary benefits are those that are granted to individuals or family nuclei, on a temporary basis, in amounts greater than those established in the scale and approved by the MTSS.

Services in Service:

  • Social Worker at Home: It is only granted to older adults or people with disabilities, who live alone, lacking family members obliged to provide help or cohabiting people, and who are bedridden or with restricted mobility.
  • Food service: It has an amount of $ 45.00 per month for each beneficiary.
  • Grandparents' house service: Payment for the service is made in one of the following ways as provided in section four of Resolution 46 of 2014:

Total for the elderly and their required relatives

Partial for social assistance, when the elderly and their required relatives in cases where they exist have insufficient income to assume full payment of the service

Total for social assistance in the event that the lack of income of the older adult is demonstrated and does not have obligated relatives in a position to provide assistance.

     4. In-kind benefits: In-kind benefits are the resources given to those nuclei with critical social situations.

Approval of a benefit or service of Social Assistance

The need for protection of Social Assistance is determined when the incapacity of the members of the family nucleus to enter employment, motivated by health situations, disability or other causes that justify it, is verified as insufficient income to assume food, medicines, payment of basic services and the lack of relatives forced to provide help.

To request Social Assistance protection, you must contact the Municipal Labor Directorates of the municipality of residence, showing the identity card to the official from the Department of Prevention, Assistance and Social Work who attends you.

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