

    DONATIONS: Through the donation contract, a person at the expense of his patrimony, transmits to another person who accepts it, the property of a property. This contract cannot be made under any conditions or revoked after accepted by the person who receives it.


    The parties concur with their respective ID CARDS
    Property title of the property object of the act.
    Certification of registration in the registry, if applicable.


    Both parties concur: DONOR (the one who donates) and DONATE (the one who receives it) with their respective ID CARDS.

If the motor vehicle is the property of the couple, both spouses must appear, if neither of them appears, they can also issue their authorization in a public deed.

Voluntary representation is admitted by means of a special power of attorney, whenever appropriate and one or both parties cannot attend the act.

    Official document accrediting vehicle ownership, which can be:

Contract of sale with a marketing entity

Authorized copy of the public deed

Judicial resolution expressing its firmness.

    Certification of your inscription in the Vehicle Registry of the Ministry of the Interior.



2.2.1 HOUSING:

    Both parties concur with their respective ID CARDS, before a Notary Public that has its headquarters in the municipality where the property is located.

If the property is owned by the couple or the buyer is married, both spouses must appear, if neither of them appears, they can also issue their authorization in a public deed.

Voluntary representation is admitted by special power, whenever appropriate, and one or both parties cannot attend the act.

    Official document proving ownership of the home, which can be:

Authorized copy of the public deed.

Title issued by administrative authority.

Judicial resolution expressing its firmness.

    Certification issued by the Property Registry of the municipality where the property is located.


    Both parties concur with their respective ID CARDS.
    Property title.
    Resolution issued by the Provincial Directorate of Physical Planning.
2.2.3 Vaults:

    Both parties concur with their respective ID CARDS.
    Property title.
    Certification of your registration.
    Authorization of the transmission in the event that they are located in Necropolis declared National Monuments.

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