Declaration or description of constructive actions

Declaration or description of constructive actions

    DECLARATION OR DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTIVE ACTIONS: Act or fact by means of which constructive actions executed by own effort are described. Some are implemented in writing such as the description of new work and expansion, and others in minutes.


    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Property title.
    Construction license or authorization, as appropriate.
    Certificate of Habitability or, failing that, Technical Opinion issued by the municipal Physical Planning Directorate.

5.2 DESCRIPTION OF NEW WORK: Act that describes the construction that begins new from the foundations, and its location can be in a wasteland or on a roof.

    Attend those interested with their ID CARD.
    Construction license for new construction.
    Habitable Certification or Technical Opinion issued by the Municipal Department of Physical Planning.
    Land Superficiary Resolution, issued by the municipal Physical Planning Department, or an authorized copy of the public deed of assignment of partial or total use of the roof to build a house.

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