Liquidation of co-ownership by fees

 Liquidation of co-ownership by fees as a result of a granted assignment of assignment

    LIQUIDATION OF CO-OWNERSHIP BY QUOTAS AS A RESULT OF A GRANTED ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT: The liquidation is the procedure to determine the way to adjust the quotas on the resulting portions of the material division of the thing; substitute money for quota in case of sale, or pay debts and collect credits that may exist on the indivision.

The TRANSFER OF PARTICIPATION supposes a resignation to continue belonging to the co-ownership, the quota is already determined and is onerous when a price in money is agreed in exchange for the transfer of the participation, otherwise it would be free.

    Both parties concur: ASSIGNOR and ASSIGNEE with their respective ID CARD.

Voluntary representation is admitted by means of a special power, provided that it proceeds when one or both parties cannot attend the act.

    Official document proving ownership of the home, which can be:

Authorized copy of the public deed.

Title issued by the administrative authority.

Judicial resolution expressing its firmness.

    Domain certification issued by the Property Registry of the municipality where the property is located in the event that it is registered.
    Determine the money price of the share being sold.

9.1 ASSIGNMENT OF PARTICIPATION AT FREE TITLE: Act by which a co-owner transfers to another or a third party, free of charge, their participation.

    Both parties concur: ASSIGNOR and ASSIGNEE with their respective ID CARD.

Voluntary representation is admitted by special power, whenever appropriate, when one or both parties cannot attend the act.

    Official document proving ownership of the home, which can be:

Authorized copy of the public deed.

Title issued by the administrative authority.

Judicial resolution expressing its firmness.

    Certification issued by the Property Registry of the municipality where the property is located in the event that it is registered.
9.2 LIQUIDATION OF THE MARRIAGE COMMUNITY OF ASSETS FREE OR ONEROUS: The marital community of assets ends by the extinction of the marriage, dividing the common assets in half between the spouses, or in case of death, between the survivor and the deceased's heirs . This type of liquidation can fall on movable and immovable property.

If a year elapses from the date of the termination of the marriage due to divorce or annulment, without the liquidation operations of the matrimonial community of assets having been judicially or extrajudicially initiated, each ex-spouse remains the sole owner of the personal property. (motor vehicle, refrigerator, television, music equipment, among others) of common property whose possession it has maintained since the extinction.

    Both parties concur: ASSIGNOR and ASSIGNEE with their respective ID CARDS.

Voluntary representation is admitted by special power, whenever appropriate, and one or both parties cannot attend the act.

    Official document proving ownership of the home, which can be:

Authorized copy of the public deed.

Title issued by the administrative authority.

Judicial resolution expressing its firmness.

    Certification issued by the Property Registry of the municipality where the property is located in the event that it is registered. .
    Document that accredits the marital status of divorced of the parties that intend to liquidate the community, which can be:

Authorized copy of the notarized divorce deed.

Certification of divorce decree issued by the corresponding Municipal People's Court secretary, expressing their firmness.

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