

    POWERS: It is a mandate by which the principal confers powers of representation on the agent. It can be special when it refers to a specific act or general for several acts, in the latter case it cannot include powers to perform acts of control. Power is an act of trust that cannot be granted to anyone, and may even prohibit the appointed proxy from delegating to others the powers conferred.


    The interested party must attend with his ID CARD and must provide the general information of the attorney, as well as exhaustively explain the powers. It can be given to several people to act jointly or interchangeably. The attendance of the attorney is not necessary.

10.2 SPECIAL OR GENERAL REVOCATION OF POWER: Act by means of which a previously granted power is withdrawn, and it is essential that the proxy be notified of the revocation. Until the attorney is informed that the powers conferred on him have been extinguished, the acts performed by the latter oblige the principal or his heirs.

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Authorized copy of the Special or General Power, as appropriate, object of the Revocation.

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