Authorization scriptures

Authorization scriptures:
13.1 AUTHORIZATION TO OBTAIN OR UPDATE PASSPORT OF MINOR AGE: With the migratory modifications that came into effect on January 14, 2013, the distinctions for traveling according to age were eliminated, and the term of stay abroad was extended up to 24 months, in such a way in relation to minors, it is enough that parents jointly or interchangeably authorize the obtaining or updating of the passports of their minor children; and said authorization does not have an expiration term but it can be revoked.

    The parents of the minor attend with their respective ID CARDS.

Parents must prove the parental link with the birth certificate of their child, or with the minor's card or identity card of the minor, as the case may be.

13.2 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MINOR TO CONTRACT MARRIAGE: Act by which the parents in the exercise of parental authority, jointly or interchangeably, or the guardian, as appropriate, issue their authorization and consent for the minor (male with 16 years old and female with 14 years old) can get married.

The parents of the minor attend with their respective ID CARDS.

Parents must prove the parental link with the birth certificate of their child, or with the minor's card or identity card of the minor, as the case may be.

13.3 Prior authorization of the owners or tenants of homes located in Havana where they intend to domicile, reside or coexist permanently, interested persons from other territories of the country, or those from other municipalities of Havana with the same claim, towards the municipalities of Old Havana, Central Havana, Cerro and Diez de Octubre; excepting the spouse, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren and siblings of the owner or lessee; the minor children of the non-titular spouse, the persons declared judicially incapable and the family nucleus of the person to whom a property is assigned for state or social interest.

This authorization also applies to cases in which the owner of the home permanently domiciles a Cuban migrant citizen who requests to establish his residence in the national territory, the first undertaking to guarantee their accommodation and maintenance when appropriate, until the interested party can have housing and own income.

    The owner or the tenant concur with their respective ID CARDS
    Proof of ownership or lease, as appropriate.
    Identification data of the person interested in domiciling (names and surnames, age, marital status, occupation, address, and permanent identity number).

13.4 AUTHORIZATION issued by parents for their minor children born abroad to settle in Cuba, acquire Cuban citizenship and obtain a passport. If the parents are not the owners of the property, the provisions of 13.3 apply.

    The parents of the minor attend with their respective ID CARDS.

Parents must prove the parental link with the birth certificate of their child, or with the minor's card or identity card of the minor, as the case may be.

    AUTHORIZATION from one spouse to the other to dispose of the assets held in the marital community of assets.

    Attend the spouse with their ID CARD
    Proof of ownership of the property.

    AUTHORIZATION from one joint heir to another to dispose of a property that is part of the hereditary community, according to article 523 of the Civil Code, as this community of property is governed by the provisions referring to co-ownership by quotas.

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Demonstration title of the condition of joint heir.

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