Constitution of first grade non-agricultural cooperatives

 Constitution of first grade non-agricultural cooperatives
    FIRST GRADE NON-AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES CONSTITUTION: They are an organization with economic and social purposes, voluntarily constituted on the basis of the contribution of goods, rights and work of its partners, with legal personality and own assets, whose mission is the production of goods and the provision of services through collective management, to satisfy the social interest, the community and the partners. The requirements of future cooperative members are: to be 18 years of age, to be a permanent resident in Cuba and to have the aptitude to carry out the activity that is the object of the cooperative. In order to acquire legal personality, you must register with the Territorial Mercantile Registry.

    The future cooperative members attend with their respective ID CARDS.
    Resolution or agreement that authorizes the constitution of the non-agricultural cooperative
    If there are partners whose marital status is married, and contributes common property, they must present the spouse's deed of authorization. If it is a real estate or motor vehicle: the property title and the certification of its registration in the corresponding registry.
    Draft statutes, approved by the national organ, body or entity that authorized its constitution, on paper and digital media if possible.
    Certification of the banking institution accrediting the deposit of the initial monetary contribution.
    List of names and surnames of the members who will make up the management, administration and control bodies of the cooperative.
    Any other that due to the characteristics of the cooperative are required.


     The organic or voluntary representative concur with their ID CARD.
    Accredit the legal existence of the cooperative through the authorized copy of the articles of incorporation, the certification of its registration in the Commercial Registry and the tax identification code.

    Accredit legitimacy of the representative.
    Minutes of the general assembly with the adopted agreement and drafting of the modified statutory articles.

If the corporate purpose is modified, prior authorization of the act is required, authorization by agreement or resolution, as appropriate.

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