

16.1 SWORN STATEMENT: Relating to a fact, act or circumstance that has occurred and that is known to the protester. The Notary only attests to the declaration of the interested party and not to the certainty of the content of said declaration.

    The interested party must attend, and if two witnesses proceed, if applicable, all with their Identification Cards. (SEE 1.4).

It includes the affidavits referred to in article 114 of the Regulation of the Immigration Law contained in Decree No. 26/1978, in relation to residents of Cuba interested in entering as passers-by or permanent residents of family or foreign friends, taking responsibility for their eventual lodging and maintenance while their visit lasts. This type of instrument does not replace the lease agreement in the case of a foreign citizen who intends to reside temporarily in Cuba.

16.2 PROTOCOLIZATION ACT: It certifies that the Notary has incorporated any document into its protocol, with no other effect than to ensure its identity and existence on the protocol date.

If the document comes from abroad, it must be translated into Spanish, and legalized by the Cuban consular official in the country where it was issued and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba.

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Document to be notarized (If it is issued by a foreign official legalized by the Cuban Consul in the country in which it was issued and by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

16.3 ACT OF DECLARATION OF HEIRS: Formal title that certifies the death intestado (that did not grant a will) of a person, and the determination of the calls to his inheritance.

    Legal representation is required, that is, the user hires the services of a lawyer assigned to a Collective Law Firm of his choice, in order to represent him.

The legal representation will accompany the following documents:

    Legal Services Agreement.
    Promotional Brief.
    Death certificate of the deceased.
    Negative certifications of the Register of Last Will Acts and Declaration of Heirs.
    Certifications of the Registry of Civil Status attesting to the affiliation or the relationship with the causer of the presumed heirs.

16.4 NOTORITY ACT: They certify the verification or establishment of notorious facts on which personal or patrimonial rights, facts, situations or circumstances with legal significance can be founded or recognized. Among other applications, they can complement administrative and judicial titles proving ownership of a property.

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.

    Documents proving the notoriety of the fact for which the Notary is required, among which may include:

    Property title.
    Certifications of the Registry of Civil Status.
    Technical Opinion, Appraisal and Sketch issued by the Municipal Directorate of Physical Planning.

The Notary may request the presence of witnesses or any other document.

16.5 CERTIFICATION OF ERROR OR OMISSION: It certifies the existence of errors or omissions that the notarial document suffers and the way in which these are corrected. Among other applications, they can complement public deeds proving ownership of a property.

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Authorized copy of the public deed or act that is intended to be corrected or supplemented, as appropriate.

Evidence documents: those that the notary public qualifies that may be of various kinds in relation to the error or omission, such as: certifications from the Registry of Civil Status or Technical Opinion, Appraisal and Sketch issued by the municipal directorate of Physical Planning.

16.6 EXISTENCE FAITH: It certifies the existence of a person or thing.

The interested party must attend to prove their existence with their ID CARD.


    Attend the holder or his representative with his ID CARD.
    Property title.
    Technical Opinion, Appraisal and Sketch of the house issued by the municipal directorate of Physical Planning.
    Construction License or Work Authorization, if applicable.
    If concurring by legal or voluntary representation, provide the document that proves it.

16.8 OF PRESENCE: They certify the reality or veracity of a fact, act or circumstance whose certainty is confirmed to the Notary by his personal verification, includes requests from one person to another, offers of payment, delivery of money, documents or objects.

    Attend the interested person with their ID CARD

16.9 OF REQUIREMENT: They certify that the applicant, under her responsibility, will exercise without coercive force any lawful action or right, or for the requested to say, do, or stop doing something.

    The interested person must attend with her ID CARD, which will express the term and place in which the request is to be made, the identification of the person to request or notify, its purpose, and the period to respond to said request or notification.

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