Non-Recordable Documents

 Non-Documentable Documents:

17.1 ENABLING THE BOOK: To proceed by law.

    Attend the person who holds the organic or voluntary representation of the legal entity CARNÉ DE IDENTIDAD and the documents that prove said representation.
    Document of the corresponding entity that proves its constitution and the use that will be given to the book.

17.2 LEGITIMATION OF SIGNATURE: Act by which the Notary public attests to the legitimization of a person's signature on a document, which can be stamped in his presence, or can be legitimized by similarity because he is the one that that person usually uses in all their actions. The Notary does not assume any responsibility for the content of the document, however it can refrain from legitimizing the signature if its content is contrary to law.

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Document where the signature object of legitimation is recorded or consigned.

17.3 DOCUMENT COLLECTION: Act by which the Notary examines an original document and compares it or compares it with its photocopy, accrediting with its signature and seal through a note that said photocopy faithfully agrees with the original shown.

The documents or titles demonstrating the expiration of levels of any type of education, and those linked to the personnel of the National Health System, are not subject to comparison due to special procedures established by the Ministries of Public Health, Education and Higher Education.

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Original document, with its corresponding photocopy to collate.17.4 TESTIMONY BY EXHIBITION: Document that does not form part of the notarial protocol by means of which the Notary entirely transcribes the content of a public or private document, in order to guarantee the durability of its content, with the peculiarity that it returns the original to the interested party .

    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.
    Original document object of testimony.


    Attend the interested party with their ID CARD.

The requirements to obtain authorized copies of a notarized document are:

    Having appeared at the instrument whose copy is requested.
    If the applicant does so on behalf of the interested party in the copy by means of a power of attorney containing sufficient powers to make such request.
    Accredit having a legitimate interest to obtain the copy.
    In case of request for an authorized copy of the will: during the lifetime of the testator, only he or his representative for it; deceased, the heirs or their representatives, the legatees, the executor may obtain a copy.

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