Ciénaga de Zapata Basic Business Transport Unit.


Subordination Level: Provincial Transportation Directorate

Address: Playa Girón, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas


UEB of Automotive Transport.

Director: Orlando Rodríguez Molina

Telephone: 45-984214

Other Units associated with Transportation:

  • Command Post: Telephone: 45984134
  • Playa Girón car rental. Telephone: 45984126
  • Motorcycle rental Playa Girón Telephone: 45984126
  • Motorcycle rental Playa Larga Telephone: 45987294
  • Cubataxi Telephone: 45984199

Motorcycles and cars are rented with several categories: economic, medium and medium high, high standard and family type (change and automatic).

Rental Points:

Playa Girón car rental.

Location: 50th Anniversary Shopping Center, Playa Giron, Cienaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 45984126

Motorcycle rental Playa Girón.

Location: Playa Girón Hotel, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 45984126

Long Beach motorcycle rental.

Location: Carretera Ciénaga de Zapata Km 30, Villa Playa Larga, Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 45987294



Unit that provides taxi transportation services to the population in Cuban pesos, and to foreigners in convertible pesos.

Location: 50th Anniversary Shopping Center, Playa Giron, Cienaga de Zapata, Matanzas.

Telephone: 45984199

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