Transfer of the service to another address:

When a holder of the service changes his legal address permanently, he must go to his Commercial Office to request the transfer of the service to the new address. Likewise, you must report any subsequent change of address that you incur during the time until the installation is made at the new address. Failure to comply with this provision may lead to the termination of the Contract by ETECSA. Exceptions are the cases of transfers for temporary changes or to related homes or basic means, in which the user can keep his telephone service at his home address, if he wishes.

Procedures for the installation of the fixed telephone service.

Cuban natural persons:
To commercialize new telephone lines, ETECSA continually works on the modernization and expansion of its telecommunications services. The company is obliged to satisfy, in the first place, the pending facilities related to transfer requests, public telephone services, requests from the business segment and other commitments and obligations of the company before making the offer of new services to the population. .

The way of offering and assigning the basic telephone service offers to the population is through the Local Bodies of the People's Power:
  • The Municipal Administration Council (CAM) is responsible for informing the population of the details related to the process and the date from which it will begin to receive applications from interested parties in the benefited areas.
  • The Municipal Administration Council itself creates the Granting Commission to receive requests from the population, analyze and propose the list of people who should benefit from the assignment of the telephone service.
  • At the end of this process, the CAM sends ETECSA a list of the beneficiaries, who will be contacted through the Commercial Units to establish the contract and install the telephone service.

ETECSA does not intervene in the process of assigning the telephone service. However, you can refuse the installation of an assigned service if the conditions required for its execution are not met.

Foreign natural persons with residence in the country.

The interested party must present their identity document to the commercial office that corresponds to them according to their place of residence to formalize their request.

  • Legal documents to contract:
  • Identity card of Cuban citizens.
  • Identity card of foreign citizens with temporary or permanent residence in Cuba.
  • Current diplomatic card in Cuba.
  • If other documents are needed, they will be requested promptly depending on the case.

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