Private status in the telephone directory:

The owner of the service is entitled to a simple insertion in the Telephone Directory at no additional charge. If you do not want your number to be published, you must request in your commercial office or through 112 (commercial management service) that it become PRIVATE. If you detect any error in the reproduction of your data or they have been omitted, fill out the UPDATE COUPON found in the Information Pages of the telephone directory. Deliver it to your Commercial Office where our executive will amend your data at the moment and request your update receipt or send your data through the email address

Change of number:

It occurs at the request of the owner of the service, implying an additional charge on your invoice next month, or due to the need for ETECSA, the owner of the service being notified promptly and without causing any charge.

Change of ownership:

  • Transfer can be made at any time and to any natural person with permanent residence in Cuba. Resolution 82 of 2012.
  • In cases where it involves a movement of domicile, it will only be possible if there is technical availability and there are no unsatisfied demands pending to be resolved.
  • Likewise, to proceed in the swaps, the provisions will be maintained where it is only necessary to change the name between holders, presenting the corresponding documentation.
  • International departure service:
  • The owner of the service, or her agent, who has a telephone service belonging to a digital exchange can contract the automatic International Long Distance service.
  • It is a postpaid service that is billed in CUC, and payment can also be made in CUP according to the current exchange rate.

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