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Deputies to the National Assembly of Popular Power (ANPP) for Ciénaga de Zapata elected to the IX Legislature.

Our municipality has 2 Deputies to the ANPP, 1 base delegate and 1 of interest elected for the IX Legislature.


Pursuant to Article 115 of the Constitution of the Republic, the condition of deputy does not entail personal privileges or economic benefits. During the time they spend in the effective performance of their functions, the deputies receive the same remuneration from their workplace and maintain the link with it, for the relevant purposes.

The deputy coordinates his functions as such with his usual responsibilities and tasks. However, by decision of the President of the National Assembly, he may be designated to carry out full-time activities during the term of office or for the term he determines, after reconciliation with the head of the body or entity where the deputy works.

Duties of the Deputies:
The deputies have the duty to carry out their tasks for the benefit of the people, maintain contact with their constituents, listen to their proposals, suggestions and criticisms, and explain the State's policy to them. Likewise, they will render account of the fulfillment of their functions.
They also have the following:

a) maintain conduct in accordance with the ethical principles that correspond to his condition of deputy;
b) refrain from invoking or making use of their condition for personal gain or in the exercise of improper efforts on behalf of third parties;
c) comply with the agreements of the National Assembly as far as they are concerned;
d) punctually attend the sessions of the National Assembly and the meetings of the commissions of which they are part;
e) any other that is imposed by the Constitution of the Republic, laws and regulations.

Deputies Rights:

a) participate with voice and vote in the sessions of the National Assembly and in the meetings of the Commissions of which they are part;
b) attend with voice but without vote to the meetings of the Commissions of which they do not form part;
c) request and obtain from the state organs and agencies, as well as from companies and entities, at the different levels, the information that is necessary for the exercise of their functions. In the case of information classified as a State Secret, it must be done in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, through the President of the National Assembly;
d) exercise legislative initiative;
e) request the National Assembly to express itself on the constitutionality of a decree-law, decree or other general provision;
f) to ask questions to the Council of State, the Council of Ministers and the members of one or another body and to have them answered during the same session or the next;
g) be received to deal with matters related to the exercise of their function by the officials of organizations of the Central State Administration, the local organs of the People's Power and those subordinate to the National Assembly of People's Power and the Council of State;
h) Obtain the action of the authorized authority before any transgression of the law they are aware of and receive a response to it;
i) receive from the local organs of the People's Power and from the auxiliary offices of the National Assembly support and facilities at their disposal that contribute to the better fulfillment of their obligations;
j) attend with voice but without vote to the sessions of the provincial and municipal assemblies of the People's Power;

Deputy to the ANPP


Yuriet Estevez Gutiérres

President of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power
Base Delegate Circumscription # 5

Deputy to the ANPP

Of interest


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