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  1. During the coordination meeting of the constituency, the fulfillment of the activities of the action plan that had been planned to be carried out during the previous month must be controlled and evaluated, this allows rectifying any difficulties in carrying it out or confirming that the route used is correct. In this way it is systematically diagnosed and incorporating the solution to new problems that may arise.
  2. The offices of the delegates with the population constitute another way of control and evaluation.
  3. The meetings of the mass organizations are part of the monitoring and evaluation. When applying the integrated community work, the Accountability Assembly gives a substantial change, since most of the Delegate's report is based on the analysis of what, according to the action plan, should be carried out in the constituency in the previous semester (another way of control and evaluation, this time by the entire population), which allows recognizing those who stood out at that time and at another time of the assembly, discussing the actions to be carried out in the next semester, which can contribute popular participation agreements.

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